Hi, first of all let this message serve as presentation and to stop lurking. I have a current project, which I am not sure that it fits the script.aculo.us library, so I thought that before anything else I''d ask here. The project is a client-side syntax highlighter, to bring some life to those <pre> and <code> blocks, so that no matter which server-side technology you are using, nor the language your code is in, as long as your visitor has a capable browser, you will be able to pretty print the code. Now, this doesn''t fit with most of the uses I have seen of AJAX - I wouldn''t even call an AJAX based library, but it exercises extensively the DOM and CSS. That''s why I am not sure that it should be released together. As for the completion of the code, I''d say is about 90% done. I can get it to work in IE and in firefox, but not at once --not without using browser detection, which my sense of aesthetics dislikes. At one point it even consistently made firefox hang, I needed to use deer park 1 to avoid this side-effect. So, what do you think? Would this be a welcome addition to prototype, scriptaculous or akin libraries? Or should I release it separetely? cheers -- Victor Jalencas <Victor.Jalencas@gmail.com>