On Friday, 26 June 2020 10.47.13 WEST I?aki Ucar wrote:> I used bcond locally and wrongly assumed that fedpkg build would > support --with BCOND and --without BCOND. Instead, the way to activate > it is to change to "%bcond_with check" and then revert to > "%bcond_without check". The only difference with bootstrap is that > "bootstrap" is recognized and a suffix ~bootstrap can be added > automatically to the resulting build. So the question is whether we > want that suffix or not.AFAIU the issue is that the bootstrap scheme does not requires to bump the release because with the suffix (~) is considered lower while changing from "%bcond_with check" to "%bcond_without check" requires to bump the release. The issue is that koji does not allow 2 builds with the same nvr. Since we should ensure the upgrade path that also requires to bump the release number in rawhide before applying it on f32 (in this particular case). -- Jos? Ab?lio
On Fri, 26 Jun 2020 at 12:09, Jos? Ab?lio Matos <jamatos at fc.up.pt> wrote:> > On Friday, 26 June 2020 10.47.13 WEST I?aki Ucar wrote: > > I used bcond locally and wrongly assumed that fedpkg build would > > support --with BCOND and --without BCOND. Instead, the way to activate > > it is to change to "%bcond_with check" and then revert to > > "%bcond_without check". The only difference with bootstrap is that > > "bootstrap" is recognized and a suffix ~bootstrap can be added > > automatically to the resulting build. So the question is whether we > > want that suffix or not. > > AFAIU the issue is that the bootstrap scheme does not requires to bump the > release because with the suffix (~) is considered lower while changing from > "%bcond_with check" to "%bcond_without check" requires to bump the release. > > The issue is that koji does not allow 2 builds with the same nvr. > > Since we should ensure the upgrade path that also requires to bump the release > number in rawhide before applying it on f32 (in this particular case).Then probably sticking to bootstrap is the best option. We should propose a change of the template SPEC in the guidelines to reflect that all packages should enclose their suggests and %check into a %{without boostrap} block, with a "%bcond_with bootstrap" defined on top. -- I?aki ?car
On Friday, 26 June 2020 11.17.56 WEST I?aki Ucar wrote:> Then probably sticking to bootstrap is the best option. We should > propose a change of the template SPEC in the guidelines to reflect > that all packages should enclose their suggests and %check into a > %{without boostrap} block, with a "%bcond_with bootstrap" defined on > top.I agree. And probably such that the bootstrap stage exclude the testing part. So in the first instance we build the packages without testing and after the bootstrap we rebuild again those packages but with the tests on again. After finishing the second batch of packages (from your file) I have a huge list of packages that were not rebuild because they require either R-testthat or R-testit: # fails test stage: missing testthat or testit R-R-acepack R-R-bindr R-R-clipr R-R-clisymbols R-R-commonmark R-errors R-farver R-fastmap R-formatR R-fs R-glue R-ini R-jsonlite R-lazyeval R-packrat R-qtl R-rappdirs R-rlang R-systemfonts R-utf8 R-viridisLite R-xml2 R-zeallot R-askpass R-diffobj R-hunspell R-igraph R-later * R-lifecycle R-lubridate * R-mockr R-munsell R-plyr R-prettycode R-rex R-rgeos R-rprintf R-simmer R-stringr R-units # package fails because it requires dependencies above R-V8 R-bindrcpp R-cli R-corpus R-debugme R-ellipsis R-gdtools R-htmltools R-jqr R-lambda.r R-purrr R-reticulate R-rversions R-tweenr R-webutils The list of packages rebuilt until now is # first round/batch R R-rpm-macros rpy R-AUC R-AsioHeaders R-BH R-Cairo R-DBI R-FMStable R-NISTunits R-R.methodsS3 R-R6 R-RColorBrewer R-RUnit R-Rcpp R-RhpcBLASctl R-XML R-abind R-argon2 R-backports R-assertthat R-base64enc R-bit R-bitops R-brew R-chron R-coda R-colorspace R-combinat R-crayon R-curl R-date R-deldir R-dichromat R-digest R-disposables R-evaluate R-expm R-fansi R-fastmatch R-filehash R-fontBitstreamVera R-fontLiberation R-fortunes R-futile.options R-gamlss.dist R-gee R-generics R-ggplot2movies R-git2r R-globals R-gmp R-gsl R-gss R-gtable R-gtools R-highlight R-import R-inline R-iterators R-jpeg R-labeling R-listenv R-lmodel2 R-mAr R-magrittr R-maps R-matrixStats R-measurements R-microbenchmark R-mime R-mlbench R-mvtnorm R-ncdf4 R-nws R-pbdRPC R-pbdZMQ * R-pkgconfig R-plogr R-png R-polyclip R-polynom R-praise R-prettyunits R-ps R-quadprog R-rematch R-remotes R-rlecuyer R-rstudioapi R-rsvg R-scatterplot3d R-sciplot R-sfsmisc R-snow R-sodium R-sourcetools R-sp R-stringdist R-stringi R-sys R-sysfonts R-testit R-timeDate R-tinytest R-tkrplot R-udunits2 R-unix R-uuid R-waveslim R-wavethresh R-webp R-wesanderson R-whisker R-withr R-xfun R-xmlparsedata R-xtable R-yaml R-zoo # 2nd round/batch R-R.oo R-RCurl R-RInside R-RcppCCTZ R-Rmpfr R-V8 R-ape R-biglm R-bit64 R-caTools R-car R-foreach R-fts R-future R-gdata R-getPass R-itertools R-lmtest R-lokern R-mapproj R-markdown R-memoise R-msm R-poLCA R-processx R-rgdal R-rprojroot R-sandwich R-showtextdb R-statnet.common R-tikzDevice R-timeSeries R-tinytex # 3rd round/batch R-Bessel R-R.utils -- Jos? Ab?lio