Cade, Brian S
2024-Jun-26 22:24 UTC
[R] emmeans (component = " response", type = "response")
I am estimating fairly simple zero-inflated negative binomial models in glmmTMB. The models have just two factors and their interaction, a total of 4 levels. I was trying to use emmeans() to obtain estimates and 95% CI for these four levels. However, when I use emmeans() with the arguments component="response", type ="response", I do not get estimates that look like the negative binomial (conditional) part of the model multiplied by 1 - zero-inflation probability. Not sure what I am getting and have not found documentation yet. I can get the negative binomial part with arguments response = "cond" , type = "response" and the zero-inflated parts with arguments response="zi", type = "response" and easily relate these back to parameter estimates. How do I get the zero-inflated mean negative binomial counts estimated in emmeans? I was led to believe that components="response" , type = "response" would do that but that does not seem to be the case. Thank you Brian Brian S. Cade, PhD U. S. Geological Survey (emeritus) Fort Collins Science Center 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C Fort Collins, CO 80526-8818 email: cadeb at<mailto:brian_cade at> tel: 970 404-0447 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]