similar to: emmeans (component = " response", type = "response")

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "emmeans (component = " response", type = "response")"

2018 Jan 12
I know I must be missing something obvious, but checking help and googling a bit did not turn up a useable answer. When I've estimated a glm() model object (my example is with just identity link with gaussian family so I could have used lm() instead), one of the terms returned in the model object is listed as $effects. What are these quantities? I have not been able to relate them to the
2017 Dec 05
warnings about factor levels dropped from predict.glm
A guess (treat accordingly): Different BLAS versions are in use on the two different machines/versions. In one, near singularities are handled, and in the other they are not, percolating up to warnings at the R level. You can check this by seeing whether the estimated fit is the same on the 2 machines. If so, ignore the above. -- Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind
2017 Dec 05
warnings about factor levels dropped from predict.glm
I am helping a student with some logistic regression analyses and we are getting some strange inconsistencies regarding a warning about factor levels being dropped when running predict.glm(, newdata = ournewdata) on the logistic regression model object. We have checked multiple times that the factor levels have been defined similarly on both data sets (one used to estimate model and the newdata)
2012 Nov 30
Fw: quantreg installation and conflicts with R 2.15.2
Just noticed that I get a similar error about object 'kronecker' in "Matrix" package when trying to load "lme4". So this is a more pervasive problem. Brian Brian S. Cade, PhD U. S. Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C Fort Collins, CO 80526-8818 email: tel: 970 226-9326 ----- Forwarded by Brian S
2007 Mar 19
likelihoods in SAS GENMOD vs R glm
List: I'm helping a colleague with some Poisson regression modeling. He uses SAS proc GENMOD and I'm using glm() in R. Note on the SAS and R output below that our estimates, standard errors, and deviances are identical but what we get for likelihoods differs considerably. I'm assuming that these must differ just by some constant but it would be nice to have some confirmation
2007 Nov 16
graphics - line resolution/pixelation going from R to windows metafile
I have a recurring graphics issue that I've not been able to resolve with R. If I make a series of regression estimates and then plot the estimated function for the regression lines over a scatter plot of the data, e.g., using a sequence of plot( ) and lines ( ) similar to those below
2005 Feb 23
stopping a function
I've looked for this information in all the R help sources I could find and found nothing. Is it possible to use some function key to stop the execution of some R command without ending the R session (Windows, R 1.91)? I've several times started functions that for various reasons are not executing properly and it would be nice to stop them without killing the R session. I've been
2012 Nov 30
quantreg installation and conflicts with R 2.15.2
I recently lost the partitions on my hard drive (second time in 6 months) so I had to have our IT folks image all my files over to a new drive. I completely reinstalled R (now 2.15.2) and all my libraries to my computer (Dell Latitude running Windows 7). A few of my previous workspaces (created with R 2.14.1) can't be restored, reporting an error similar to the one I get when I try to
2010 Jul 30
standard error for predicted mean count from ZIP
Does anyone have code for computing the standard error of the predicted mean count from a zero-inflated Poisson regression model estimated by the zeroinfl() function from the pscl package (and yes, we've checked with A. Z. already)? Thank you Brian Brian S. Cade, PhD U. S. Geological Survey Fort Collins Science Center 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. C Fort Collins, CO 80526-8818 email:
2005 Oct 12
subsetting with by() or other function??
I think I must be missing something obvious, but I'm having trouble getting a data transformation to work on groupings of data within a data frame (csss3) as defined by 2 factors (population, locid). The data are sorted by year within locid within population and I want to lag another variable (dbc), i.e, shift them down by 1 row replacing the first row with NA, within groups defined by
2008 Jun 16
weights in lmer
I originally sent this to Doug Bates but have received no reply yet so I thought I would expand to a wider source. I've been trying to estimate linear mixed effect models in lmer() from the lme4 package using the weights option. The help and code for lmer() suggest to me that this is implemented but I can't seem to get it to do anything with weights = , no error message reported it
2005 Nov 22
modifying code in contributed libraries - changes from versions 1.* to 2.*
Having finally updated from R 1.91 to R 2.2.0 with my installation of a new computer, I discovered that something has changed drastically about the way code for contributed packages is stored when installed in a local version of R. In the 1.* versions it was easy for me to go in and modify some of the code for a contributed package by using a text editor to change the script files (these
2005 Oct 13
subsetting data frame using by() or tapply() or other
Ok so I see the problem that I'm having creating a new variable (LAG1DBC) in the example data transformation below is that tapply() is creating a list that is not dimensionally consistent with the data frame (data). So how do I go from the list output of tapply() to create a dimensionally consistent vector that can create the new variable in my original data frame? I've been trying
2012 Apr 19
ANOVA in quantreg - faulty test for 'nesting'?
I am trying to implement an ANOVA on a pair of quantile regression models in R. The anova.rq() function performs a basic check to see whether the models are nested, but I think this check is failing in my case. I think my models are nested despite the anova.rqlist() function saying otherwise. Here is an example where the GLM ANOVA regards the models as nested, but the quantile regression ANOVA
2018 Jan 08
[FORGED] Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
On 07/01/18 02:19, Akhilesh Singh wrote: > I am a Professor of Statistics at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, > Raipur, India. While teaching in class about analysis of variance using R, > I was doing a one-way analysis for the two data-sets given below in the > R-class. I got a typical error in "emmeans" package, please help: > > Data-set-1: > --------------
2018 Jan 10
[FORGED] Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
Thanks for your kind reply. Problem is solved. However, it's "confidence interval / treatment comparison plot" is not taking main title. And the fonts of axes labels can not be changed using 'cex' parameter. I will appreciate if you could help in this matter too. Dr. A. K. Singh On 09-Jan-2018 8:18 PM, "Sal Mangiafico" <salvatore.s.mangiafico at>
2018 Jan 06
Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
I am a Professor of Statistics at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, India. While teaching in class about analysis of variance using R, I was doing a one-way analysis for the two data-sets given below in the R-class. I got a typical error in "emmeans" package, please help: Data-set-1: -------------- Medley and Clements (1998) investigated the impact of zinc contamination (and
2024 Jun 06
R Shiny Help - Trouble passing user input columns to emmeans after ANOVA analysis
Hello everybody, I have experience coding with R, but am brand new to R Shiny. I am trying to produce an application that will allow users to upload their own dataset, select columns they want an ANOVA analysis run on, and generate graphs that will allow users to view their results. However, I am getting the following error: *"Argument is of length zero."* Being new to Shiny, I am
2024 May 22
confint Attempts to Use All Server CPUs by Default
Following up on this -- on my system, I have 69 packages installed that appear to provide something like a confint() method: h <-"confint", agrep = FALSE) p <- sort(unique(h$matches$Package)) length(p) ## [1] 69 p [1] "bamlss" "bbmle" "binom" "brglm2" [5] "broom"
2011 Jul 21
Quantreg-rq crashing trouble
Hi I am using the quantreg package for median regression for a large series of subsets of data. It works fabulously for all but one subset. When it reaches this subset, R takes the command and never responds. I end up having to kill R and restart it. It appears to be something with the particular data subset, but I can't pinpoint the problem. Here are some details Operating system: