Dear all I have 3 questions. Due to some reason I switched from Vista to Ubuntu on home PC. I was used to start with Rgui.exe. However I am not able to find it under Ubuntu and R starts as terminal (probably Rterm). Question 1. Is Rgui.exe available on linux? In Windows doc folder I can find manuals, however I did not find doc folder in Ubuntu. I found somewhere that manuals need to be installed separately by make .... Question 2. Is it necessary to install manuals or I made some mistake when installing from Ubuntu software repository. And question 3 is simple. Are there some kind of "Linux R for Windows dummies" available? Best regards Petr ________________________________ Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. Jestli?e jste obdr?el(a) tento e-mail omylem, informujte laskav? neprodlen? jeho odes?latele. Obsah tohoto emailu i s p??lohami a jeho kopie vyma?te ze sv?ho syst?mu. Nejste-li zam??len?m adres?tem tohoto emailu, nejste opr?vn?ni tento email jakkoliv u??vat, roz?i?ovat, kop?rovat ?i zve?ej?ovat. Odes?latel e-mailu neodpov?d? za eventu?ln? ?kodu zp?sobenou modifikacemi ?i zpo?d?n?m p?enosu e-mailu. V p??pad?, ?e je tento e-mail sou??st? obchodn?ho jedn?n?: - vyhrazuje si odes?latel pr?vo ukon?it kdykoliv jedn?n? o uzav?en? smlouvy, a to z jak?hokoliv d?vodu i bez uveden? d?vodu. - a obsahuje-li nab?dku, je adres?t opr?vn?n nab?dku bezodkladn? p?ijmout; Odes?latel tohoto e-mailu (nab?dky) vylu?uje p?ijet? nab?dky ze strany p??jemce s dodatkem ?i odchylkou. - trv? odes?latel na tom, ?e p??slu?n? smlouva je uzav?ena teprve v?slovn?m dosa?en?m shody na v?ech jej?ch n?le?itostech. - odes?latel tohoto emailu informuje, ?e nen? opr?vn?n uzav?rat za spole?nost ??dn? smlouvy s v?jimkou p??pad?, kdy k tomu byl p?semn? zmocn?n nebo p?semn? pov??en a takov? pov??en? nebo pln? moc byly adres?tovi tohoto emailu p??padn? osob?, kterou adres?t zastupuje, p?edlo?eny nebo jejich existence je adres?tovi ?i osob? j?m zastoupen? zn?m?. This e-mail and any documents attached to it may be confidential and are intended only for its intended recipients. If you received this e-mail by mistake, please immediately inform its sender. Delete the contents of this e-mail with all attachments and its copies from your system. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are not authorized to use, disseminate, copy or disclose this e-mail in any manner. The sender of this e-mail shall not be liable for any possible damage caused by modifications of the e-mail or by delay with transfer of the email. In case that this e-mail forms part of business dealings: - the sender reserves the right to end negotiations about entering into a contract in any time, for any reason, and without stating any reasoning. - if the e-mail contains an offer, the recipient is entitled to immediately accept such offer; The sender of this e-mail (offer) excludes any acceptance of the offer on the part of the recipient containing any amendment or variation. - the sender insists on that the respective contract is concluded only upon an express mutual agreement on all its aspects. - the sender of this e-mail informs that he/she is not authorized to enter into any contracts on behalf of the company except for cases in which he/she is expressly authorized to do so in writing, and such authorization or power of attorney is submitted to the recipient or the person represented by the recipient, or the existence of such authorization is known to the recipient of the person represented by the recipient.
I did the same transition, facing the same issues, so I settled for installation of RKWard. This pretty much reproduces my previous experience with Tinn-R and the Rgui. HTH Ruben ________________________________ Ruben H. Roa-Ureta, Ph. D. Senior Scientist, Center for Environment and Water, Marine Studies Section, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, KFUPM Box 1927, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia Phone : 966-3-860-7850 ________________________________________ From: R-help <r-help-bounces at> on behalf of PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at> Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2017 12:15 PM To: r-help Subject: [R] R and UBUNTU startup Dear all I have 3 questions. Due to some reason I switched from Vista to Ubuntu on home PC. I was used to start with Rgui.exe. However I am not able to find it under Ubuntu and R starts as terminal (probably Rterm). Question 1. Is Rgui.exe available on linux? In Windows doc folder I can find manuals, however I did not find doc folder in Ubuntu. I found somewhere that manuals need to be installed separately by make .... Question 2. Is it necessary to install manuals or I made some mistake when installing from Ubuntu software repository. And question 3 is simple. Are there some kind of "Linux R for Windows dummies" available? Best regards Petr ________________________________ Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. Jestli?e jste obdr?el(a) tento e-mail omylem, informujte laskav? neprodlen? jeho odes?latele. Obsah tohoto emailu i s p??lohami a jeho kopie vyma?te ze sv?ho syst?mu. Nejste-li zam??len?m adres?tem tohoto emailu, nejste opr?vn?ni tento email jakkoliv u??vat, roz?i?ovat, kop?rovat ?i zve?ej?ovat. Odes?latel e-mailu neodpov?d? za eventu?ln? ?kodu zp?sobenou modifikacemi ?i zpo?d?n?m p?enosu e-mailu. V p??pad?, ?e je tento e-mail sou??st? obchodn?ho jedn?n?: - vyhrazuje si odes?latel pr?vo ukon?it kdykoliv jedn?n? o uzav?en? smlouvy, a to z jak?hokoliv d?vodu i bez uveden? d?vodu. - a obsahuje-li nab?dku, je adres?t opr?vn?n nab?dku bezodkladn? p?ijmout; Odes?latel tohoto e-mailu (nab?dky) vylu?uje p?ijet? nab?dky ze strany p??jemce s dodatkem ?i odchylkou. - trv? odes?latel na tom, ?e p??slu?n? smlouva je uzav?ena teprve v?slovn?m dosa?en?m shody na v?ech jej?ch n?le?itostech. - odes?latel tohoto emailu informuje, ?e nen? opr?vn?n uzav?rat za spole?nost ??dn? smlouvy s v?jimkou p??pad?, kdy k tomu byl p?semn? zmocn?n nebo p?semn? pov??en a takov? pov??en? nebo pln? moc byly adres?tovi tohoto emailu p??padn? osob?, kterou adres?t zastupuje, p?edlo?eny nebo jejich existence je adres?tovi ?i osob? j?m zastoupen? zn?m?. This e-mail and any documents attached to it may be confidential and are intended only for its intended recipients. If you received this e-mail by mistake, please immediately inform its sender. Delete the contents of this e-mail with all attachments and its copies from your system. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are not authorized to use, disseminate, copy or disclose this e-mail in any manner. The sender of this e-mail shall not be liable for any possible damage caused by modifications of the e-mail or by delay with transfer of the email. In case that this e-mail forms part of business dealings: - the sender reserves the right to end negotiations about entering into a contract in any time, for any reason, and without stating any reasoning. - if the e-mail contains an offer, the recipient is entitled to immediately accept such offer; The sender of this e-mail (offer) excludes any acceptance of the offer on the part of the recipient containing any amendment or variation. - the sender insists on that the respective contract is concluded only upon an express mutual agreement on all its aspects. - the sender of this e-mail informs that he/she is not authorized to enter into any contracts on behalf of the company except for cases in which he/she is expressly authorized to do so in writing, and such authorization or power of attorney is submitted to the recipient or the person represented by the recipient, or the existence of such authorization is known to the recipient of the person represented by the recipient. ______________________________________________ R-help at mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see PLEASE do read the posting guide and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Q1. No. Q2. What do you do? Did you follow the instructions at [1]? If you go to the top level of the R help system you should be able to open the manuals. ?help Q3. Not that I know of. If you have difficulty with R on Linux then you should focus on learning how to use Linux in general... and learn what X-Windows is. But just as with Windows, googling your problem will usually lead to stepwise solutions. Note that most issues with R should not require entering your password, though some supporting system features may require that you use the package manager to install Ubuntu packages. [1] -- Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. On July 4, 2017 2:15:19 AM PDT, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at> wrote:>Dear all > >I have 3 questions. Due to some reason I switched from Vista to Ubuntu >on home PC. I was used to start with Rgui.exe. However I am not able to >find it under Ubuntu and R starts as terminal (probably Rterm). > >Question 1. Is Rgui.exe available on linux? > >In Windows doc folder I can find manuals, however I did not find doc >folder in Ubuntu. I found somewhere that manuals need to be installed >separately by make .... > >Question 2. Is it necessary to install manuals or I made some mistake >when installing from Ubuntu software repository. > >And question 3 is simple. Are there some kind of "Linux R for Windows >dummies" available? > >Best regards >Petr > > >________________________________ >Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou >ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. >Jestli?e jste obdr?el(a) tento e-mail omylem, informujte laskav? >neprodlen? jeho odes?latele. Obsah tohoto emailu i s p??lohami a jeho >kopie vyma?te ze sv?ho syst?mu. >Nejste-li zam??len?m adres?tem tohoto emailu, nejste opr?vn?ni tento >email jakkoliv u??vat, roz?i?ovat, kop?rovat ?i zve?ej?ovat. >Odes?latel e-mailu neodpov?d? za eventu?ln? ?kodu zp?sobenou >modifikacemi ?i zpo?d?n?m p?enosu e-mailu. > >V p??pad?, ?e je tento e-mail sou??st? obchodn?ho jedn?n?: >- vyhrazuje si odes?latel pr?vo ukon?it kdykoliv jedn?n? o uzav?en? >smlouvy, a to z jak?hokoliv d?vodu i bez uveden? d?vodu. >- a obsahuje-li nab?dku, je adres?t opr?vn?n nab?dku bezodkladn? >p?ijmout; Odes?latel tohoto e-mailu (nab?dky) vylu?uje p?ijet? nab?dky >ze strany p??jemce s dodatkem ?i odchylkou. >- trv? odes?latel na tom, ?e p??slu?n? smlouva je uzav?ena teprve >v?slovn?m dosa?en?m shody na v?ech jej?ch n?le?itostech. >- odes?latel tohoto emailu informuje, ?e nen? opr?vn?n uzav?rat za >spole?nost ??dn? smlouvy s v?jimkou p??pad?, kdy k tomu byl p?semn? >zmocn?n nebo p?semn? pov??en a takov? pov??en? nebo pln? moc byly >adres?tovi tohoto emailu p??padn? osob?, kterou adres?t zastupuje, >p?edlo?eny nebo jejich existence je adres?tovi ?i osob? j?m zastoupen? >zn?m?. > >This e-mail and any documents attached to it may be confidential and >are intended only for its intended recipients. >If you received this e-mail by mistake, please immediately inform its >sender. Delete the contents of this e-mail with all attachments and its >copies from your system. >If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are not >authorized to use, disseminate, copy or disclose this e-mail in any >manner. >The sender of this e-mail shall not be liable for any possible damage >caused by modifications of the e-mail or by delay with transfer of the >email. > >In case that this e-mail forms part of business dealings: >- the sender reserves the right to end negotiations about entering into >a contract in any time, for any reason, and without stating any >reasoning. >- if the e-mail contains an offer, the recipient is entitled to >immediately accept such offer; The sender of this e-mail (offer) >excludes any acceptance of the offer on the part of the recipient >containing any amendment or variation. >- the sender insists on that the respective contract is concluded only >upon an express mutual agreement on all its aspects. >- the sender of this e-mail informs that he/she is not authorized to >enter into any contracts on behalf of the company except for cases in >which he/she is expressly authorized to do so in writing, and such >authorization or power of attorney is submitted to the recipient or the >person represented by the recipient, or the existence of such >authorization is known to the recipient of the person represented by >the recipient. >______________________________________________ >R-help at mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see > >PLEASE do read the posting guide > >and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Hi> -----Original Message----- > From: Jeff Newmiller [mailto:jdnewmil at] > Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2017 1:02 PM > To: r-help at; PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at>; r-help <r- > help at> > Subject: Re: [R] R and UBUNTU startup > > Q1. No. > > Q2. What do you do? Did you follow the instructions at [1]? If you go to the top > level of the R help system you should be able to open the manuals. ?helpNo. I installed from Ubuntu Software Center (by point and click method) as I am not very familiar with sudo terminal issues and I thought that following a way which is offered by Ubuntu is enough.> > Q3. Not that I know of. If you have difficulty with R on Linux then you should > focus on learning how to use Linux in general... and learn what X-Windows is.Hm. I have some book about Linux from about 2005, which I think is quite old and I am not sure if almost 15 years old recommendations are still valid.> But just as with Windows, googling your problem will usually lead to stepwiseI searched all questions and especially question 1 but was not able to find such concise answer. Anyway, thank you for all answers. I will need to find my way through Linux. Probably the most problematic will be to get rid of Windows habits and shortcuts. Best regards Petr> solutions. Note that most issues with R should not require entering your > password, though some supporting system features may require that you use > the package manager to install Ubuntu packages. > > [1] > -- > Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity. > > On July 4, 2017 2:15:19 AM PDT, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at> wrote: > >Dear all > > > >I have 3 questions. Due to some reason I switched from Vista to Ubuntu > >on home PC. I was used to start with Rgui.exe. However I am not able to > >find it under Ubuntu and R starts as terminal (probably Rterm). > > > >Question 1. Is Rgui.exe available on linux? > > > >In Windows doc folder I can find manuals, however I did not find doc > >folder in Ubuntu. I found somewhere that manuals need to be installed > >separately by make .... > > > >Question 2. Is it necessary to install manuals or I made some mistake > >when installing from Ubuntu software repository. > > > >And question 3 is simple. Are there some kind of "Linux R for Windows > >dummies" available? > > > >Best regards > >Petr > > > > > >________________________________ > >Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou > >ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. > >Jestli?e jste obdr?el(a) tento e-mail omylem, informujte laskav? > >neprodlen? jeho odes?latele. Obsah tohoto emailu i s p??lohami a jeho > >kopie vyma?te ze sv?ho syst?mu. > >Nejste-li zam??len?m adres?tem tohoto emailu, nejste opr?vn?ni tento > >email jakkoliv u??vat, roz?i?ovat, kop?rovat ?i zve?ej?ovat. > >Odes?latel e-mailu neodpov?d? za eventu?ln? ?kodu zp?sobenou > >modifikacemi ?i zpo?d?n?m p?enosu e-mailu. > > > >V p??pad?, ?e je tento e-mail sou??st? obchodn?ho jedn?n?: > >- vyhrazuje si odes?latel pr?vo ukon?it kdykoliv jedn?n? o uzav?en? > >smlouvy, a to z jak?hokoliv d?vodu i bez uveden? d?vodu. > >- a obsahuje-li nab?dku, je adres?t opr?vn?n nab?dku bezodkladn? > >p?ijmout; Odes?latel tohoto e-mailu (nab?dky) vylu?uje p?ijet? nab?dky > >ze strany p??jemce s dodatkem ?i odchylkou. > >- trv? odes?latel na tom, ?e p??slu?n? smlouva je uzav?ena teprve > >v?slovn?m dosa?en?m shody na v?ech jej?ch n?le?itostech. > >- odes?latel tohoto emailu informuje, ?e nen? opr?vn?n uzav?rat za > >spole?nost ??dn? smlouvy s v?jimkou p??pad?, kdy k tomu byl p?semn? > >zmocn?n nebo p?semn? pov??en a takov? pov??en? nebo pln? moc byly > >adres?tovi tohoto emailu p??padn? osob?, kterou adres?t zastupuje, > >p?edlo?eny nebo jejich existence je adres?tovi ?i osob? j?m zastoupen? > >zn?m?. > > > >This e-mail and any documents attached to it may be confidential and > >are intended only for its intended recipients. > >If you received this e-mail by mistake, please immediately inform its > >sender. Delete the contents of this e-mail with all attachments and its > >copies from your system. > >If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are not > >authorized to use, disseminate, copy or disclose this e-mail in any > >manner. > >The sender of this e-mail shall not be liable for any possible damage > >caused by modifications of the e-mail or by delay with transfer of the > >email. > > > >In case that this e-mail forms part of business dealings: > >- the sender reserves the right to end negotiations about entering into > >a contract in any time, for any reason, and without stating any > >reasoning. > >- if the e-mail contains an offer, the recipient is entitled to > >immediately accept such offer; The sender of this e-mail (offer) > >excludes any acceptance of the offer on the part of the recipient > >containing any amendment or variation. > >- the sender insists on that the respective contract is concluded only > >upon an express mutual agreement on all its aspects. > >- the sender of this e-mail informs that he/she is not authorized to > >enter into any contracts on behalf of the company except for cases in > >which he/she is expressly authorized to do so in writing, and such > >authorization or power of attorney is submitted to the recipient or the > >person represented by the recipient, or the existence of such > >authorization is known to the recipient of the person represented by > >the recipient. > >______________________________________________ > >R-help at mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see > > > >PLEASE do read the posting guide > > > >and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.________________________________ Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. Jestli?e jste obdr?el(a) tento e-mail omylem, informujte laskav? neprodlen? jeho odes?latele. Obsah tohoto emailu i s p??lohami a jeho kopie vyma?te ze sv?ho syst?mu. Nejste-li zam??len?m adres?tem tohoto emailu, nejste opr?vn?ni tento email jakkoliv u??vat, roz?i?ovat, kop?rovat ?i zve?ej?ovat. Odes?latel e-mailu neodpov?d? za eventu?ln? ?kodu zp?sobenou modifikacemi ?i zpo?d?n?m p?enosu e-mailu. V p??pad?, ?e je tento e-mail sou??st? obchodn?ho jedn?n?: - vyhrazuje si odes?latel pr?vo ukon?it kdykoliv jedn?n? o uzav?en? smlouvy, a to z jak?hokoliv d?vodu i bez uveden? d?vodu. - a obsahuje-li nab?dku, je adres?t opr?vn?n nab?dku bezodkladn? p?ijmout; Odes?latel tohoto e-mailu (nab?dky) vylu?uje p?ijet? nab?dky ze strany p??jemce s dodatkem ?i odchylkou. - trv? odes?latel na tom, ?e p??slu?n? smlouva je uzav?ena teprve v?slovn?m dosa?en?m shody na v?ech jej?ch n?le?itostech. - odes?latel tohoto emailu informuje, ?e nen? opr?vn?n uzav?rat za spole?nost ??dn? smlouvy s v?jimkou p??pad?, kdy k tomu byl p?semn? zmocn?n nebo p?semn? pov??en a takov? pov??en? nebo pln? moc byly adres?tovi tohoto emailu p??padn? osob?, kterou adres?t zastupuje, p?edlo?eny nebo jejich existence je adres?tovi ?i osob? j?m zastoupen? zn?m?. This e-mail and any documents attached to it may be confidential and are intended only for its intended recipients. If you received this e-mail by mistake, please immediately inform its sender. Delete the contents of this e-mail with all attachments and its copies from your system. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are not authorized to use, disseminate, copy or disclose this e-mail in any manner. The sender of this e-mail shall not be liable for any possible damage caused by modifications of the e-mail or by delay with transfer of the email. In case that this e-mail forms part of business dealings: - the sender reserves the right to end negotiations about entering into a contract in any time, for any reason, and without stating any reasoning. - if the e-mail contains an offer, the recipient is entitled to immediately accept such offer; The sender of this e-mail (offer) excludes any acceptance of the offer on the part of the recipient containing any amendment or variation. - the sender insists on that the respective contract is concluded only upon an express mutual agreement on all its aspects. - the sender of this e-mail informs that he/she is not authorized to enter into any contracts on behalf of the company except for cases in which he/she is expressly authorized to do so in writing, and such authorization or power of attorney is submitted to the recipient or the person represented by the recipient, or the existence of such authorization is known to the recipient of the person represented by the recipient.
Thanks, I will try. Best regards. Petr> -----Original Message----- > From: Ruben Hernan Roa Ureta [mailto:ruben at] > Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2017 11:49 AM > To: PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at>; r-help <r-help at> > Subject: Re: R and UBUNTU startup > > I did the same transition, facing the same issues, so I settled for installation of > RKWard. This pretty much reproduces my previous experience with Tinn-R and > the Rgui. > > HTH > > Ruben > ________________________________ > > Ruben H. Roa-Ureta, Ph. D. > Senior Scientist, > Center for Environment and Water, Marine Studies Section, King Fahd > University of Petroleum and Minerals, KFUPM Box 1927, Dhahran 31261, Saudi > Arabia > > Phone : 966-3-860-7850 > > > ________________________________________ > From: R-help <r-help-bounces at> on behalf of PIKAL Petr > <petr.pikal at> > Sent: Tuesday, July 4, 2017 12:15 PM > To: r-help > Subject: [R] R and UBUNTU startup > > Dear all > > I have 3 questions. Due to some reason I switched from Vista to Ubuntu on > home PC. I was used to start with Rgui.exe. However I am not able to find it > under Ubuntu and R starts as terminal (probably Rterm). > > Question 1. Is Rgui.exe available on linux? > > In Windows doc folder I can find manuals, however I did not find doc folder in > Ubuntu. I found somewhere that manuals need to be installed separately by > make .... > > Question 2. Is it necessary to install manuals or I made some mistake when > installing from Ubuntu software repository. > > And question 3 is simple. Are there some kind of "Linux R for Windows > dummies" available? > > Best regards > Petr > > > ________________________________ > Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou > ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. > Jestli?e jste obdr?el(a) tento e-mail omylem, informujte laskav? neprodlen? > jeho odes?latele. Obsah tohoto emailu i s p??lohami a jeho kopie vyma?te ze > sv?ho syst?mu. > Nejste-li zam??len?m adres?tem tohoto emailu, nejste opr?vn?ni tento email > jakkoliv u??vat, roz?i?ovat, kop?rovat ?i zve?ej?ovat. > Odes?latel e-mailu neodpov?d? za eventu?ln? ?kodu zp?sobenou modifikacemi ?i > zpo?d?n?m p?enosu e-mailu. > > V p??pad?, ?e je tento e-mail sou??st? obchodn?ho jedn?n?: > - vyhrazuje si odes?latel pr?vo ukon?it kdykoliv jedn?n? o uzav?en? smlouvy, a to > z jak?hokoliv d?vodu i bez uveden? d?vodu. > - a obsahuje-li nab?dku, je adres?t opr?vn?n nab?dku bezodkladn? p?ijmout; > Odes?latel tohoto e-mailu (nab?dky) vylu?uje p?ijet? nab?dky ze strany p??jemce s > dodatkem ?i odchylkou. > - trv? odes?latel na tom, ?e p??slu?n? smlouva je uzav?ena teprve v?slovn?m > dosa?en?m shody na v?ech jej?ch n?le?itostech. > - odes?latel tohoto emailu informuje, ?e nen? opr?vn?n uzav?rat za spole?nost > ??dn? smlouvy s v?jimkou p??pad?, kdy k tomu byl p?semn? zmocn?n nebo > p?semn? pov??en a takov? pov??en? nebo pln? moc byly adres?tovi tohoto > emailu p??padn? osob?, kterou adres?t zastupuje, p?edlo?eny nebo jejich > existence je adres?tovi ?i osob? j?m zastoupen? zn?m?. > > This e-mail and any documents attached to it may be confidential and are > intended only for its intended recipients. > If you received this e-mail by mistake, please immediately inform its sender. > Delete the contents of this e-mail with all attachments and its copies from your > system. > If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are not authorized to > use, disseminate, copy or disclose this e-mail in any manner. > The sender of this e-mail shall not be liable for any possible damage caused by > modifications of the e-mail or by delay with transfer of the email. > > In case that this e-mail forms part of business dealings: > - the sender reserves the right to end negotiations about entering into a > contract in any time, for any reason, and without stating any reasoning. > - if the e-mail contains an offer, the recipient is entitled to immediately accept > such offer; The sender of this e-mail (offer) excludes any acceptance of the > offer on the part of the recipient containing any amendment or variation. > - the sender insists on that the respective contract is concluded only upon an > express mutual agreement on all its aspects. > - the sender of this e-mail informs that he/she is not authorized to enter into > any contracts on behalf of the company except for cases in which he/she is > expressly authorized to do so in writing, and such authorization or power of > attorney is submitted to the recipient or the person represented by the > recipient, or the existence of such authorization is known to the recipient of the > person represented by the recipient. > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see > > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.________________________________ Tento e-mail a jak?koliv k n?mu p?ipojen? dokumenty jsou d?v?rn? a jsou ur?eny pouze jeho adres?t?m. 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On 7/04/17 11:15 AM, PIKAL Petr wrote:> Dear all > > I have 3 questions. Due to some reason I switched from Vista to Ubuntu on home PC. I was used to start with Rgui.exe. However I am not able to find it under Ubuntu and R starts as terminal (probably Rterm). > > Question 1. Is Rgui.exe available on linux?No, but you will find things nicer than Rgui by switching to R Studio, which you can use on all platforms.> > In Windows doc folder I can find manuals, however I did not find doc folder in Ubuntu. I found somewhere that manuals need to be installed separately by make .... > > Question 2. Is it necessary to install manuals or I made some mistake when installing from Ubuntu software repository.Just a guess: did you try man R? All R manuals should be installed by default,but I'm not sure where.> > And question 3 is simple. Are there some kind of "Linux R for Windows dummies" available? > > Best regards > Petr >
On 04/07/2017 12:46 PM, Michael Friendly wrote:> On 7/04/17 11:15 AM, PIKAL Petr wrote: >> Dear all >> >> I have 3 questions. Due to some reason I switched from Vista to Ubuntu on home PC. I was used to start with Rgui.exe. However I am not able to find it under Ubuntu and R starts as terminal (probably Rterm). >> >> Question 1. Is Rgui.exe available on linux? > No, but you will find things nicer than Rgui by switching to R Studio, > which you can use on all platforms. >> >> In Windows doc folder I can find manuals, however I did not find doc folder in Ubuntu. I found somewhere that manuals need to be installed separately by make .... >> >> Question 2. Is it necessary to install manuals or I made some mistake when installing from Ubuntu software repository. > Just a guess: did you try man R? > All R manuals should be installed by default,but I'm not sure where.Running help.start() from within R should get you access to the HTML versions. The pdf versions aren't always built; it depends on how you do the build. Duncan Murdoch> >> >> And question 3 is simple. Are there some kind of "Linux R for Windows dummies" available? >> >> Best regards >> Petr >> > > ______________________________________________ > R-help at mailing list -- To UNSUBSCRIBE and more, see > > PLEASE do read the posting guide > and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code. >