Linus Holtermann
2014-Nov-24 15:32 UTC
[R] PANEL model (MCMC): Equivalent of system GMM in MCMC
Dear list members, I want to fit a PANEL model via MCMC. I am concerned, that I got some covariates that are endogenous. I use MCMC for various reasons, particularly cause I got some spatial dependencies in my model. I am afraid that there are no valid instruments, so i like to apply a procedure that is similiar to system GMM within the MCMC framework. I need to solve the endogeneity problem without IV. Are there any solutions to this kind of problem? Are those implemented in R or are there any codes that might help. Thanks in advance, Linus Holtermann Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut gemeinn?tzige GmbH (HWWI) Heimhuder Stra?e 71 20148 Hamburg Tel +49-(0)40-340576-336 Fax+49-(0)40-340576-776 Internet: Email: holtermann at Amtsgericht Hamburg HRB 94303 Gesch?ftsf?hrer: PD Dr. Christian Growitsch | Prof. Dr. Henning V?pel Prokura: Dipl. Kauffrau Alexis Malchin Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 241849425