You appear to be using a package that are not even on CRAN, much less base R, so
you need to tell us that in your (missing) reproducible example. It is
self-described as "primitive", so don't be surprised when it acts
Note that your creation of an exposed Google account in your previous thread
violates your terms of service with Google.. they provide perfectly
straightforward mechanisms for sharing individual documents publicly without
creating opportunities for abuse or risking your other data.
Please do read the footer of any message on this list:
>PLEASE do read the posting guide
which says, among other things, that you should be posting in plain text on this
Also note:
>and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.
Jeff Newmiller The ..... ..... Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries O.O#. #.O#. with
/Software/Embedded Controllers) .OO#. .OO#. rocks...1k
Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
On November 21, 2014 11:30:38 AM PST, Jennifer Sabatier <plessthanpointohfive
at> wrote:>Thank you all for helping grab data off Google Docs.
>Now I have another problem.
>When I pull the data all the formulas come into R as R1C1 reference
>while in Google Docs they're A1 reference style.
>As a result, the formulas are strings in the cells, rather than values:
>Now this isn't happening in the example I made up. It's just
>with the real data, which I can't even begin to share.
>Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
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>R-help at mailing list
>PLEASE do read the posting guide
>and provide commented, minimal, self-contained, reproducible code.