Hello sir,
Actually, I 'm novice to R programming and currently working on prediction
part for CPU usage log file (attached with mail).
My task is to predict next hour CPU usage by taking "Time" as response
and %user %nice %system %iowait %steal %idle, either all or one
as predictor(s).
Please help me out.
I have attached CPU usage log file with mail.
Please find attachment.
Thank You in advance.
################################################ This code is not working
cpu <- read.table(file = "D:/Swapnil/Data/cpu.txt", header = FALSE,
col.names =
user <- rep(cpu$user)
Time <- c(cpu$Time)
Time <- c(cpu$Time)
user <- rep(cpu$user)
plot(cpu$user, xaxt="n", ylab="USER", xlab="")
axis(1, labels=paste(cpu$user), at=1:11)
cor(user, Time)
fit <- lm(Time ~ user)
#prdiction part
Time2hr <- data.frame(user=2.00)
user2hr <-predict(fit, newdata=Time2hr)
user2hr <-predict(fit, newdata=Time2hr)
style <- c(rep(1,11))
plot(c(Time, user2hr), xaxt="n", ylab="TIME",
xlab="", pch=style, col=style)
axis(1, at=1:11,labels=c(paste(cpu$user,sep="Q"), "2011Q1",
"2011Q2", "2011Q3",
Swapnil Khobragade
Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd.
Bldg. No.5&6, 1st Floor,
Airoli, Navi Mumbai - 400708.
e-mail ID: swapnil.khobragade at lntinfotech.com
Tel: @@@@@@@(Direct) | +91 9503043368 (M)
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