Hello , I'm trying to fit a quantile regression model for rigth censoring data and I think I'm misunderstanding the behaviour of the function crq I've tried qreg1<-crq(Surv(TIME,EVENT,type="right")~VAR1+VAR2, data=DATA_TRAIN,method = "Portnoy",tau=-1) qreg1<-crq(Surv(TIME,EVENT,type="right")~VAR1+VAR2, data=DATA_TRAIN,method = "Portnoy",tau=0.1) this two first attemps give me 78 set of values for every tau in $fitted.values or in $sol starting in 0 and ending in 0.348 (values of tau) but then where are the rest un itl 1? qreg1<-crq(Surv(TIME,EVENT,type="right")~VAR1+VAR2, data=DATA_TRAIN,method = "Portnoy",grid=seq(0.1,1,by=0.1)) gives only one value for tau=0.00000 I want to control the parameters tau or grid to get the results for the quantiles I want, but it seems that I went wrong somewhere..but where? Thank you in advance, Daniel Castro