On 05/10/2014, 7:21 AM, billy am wrote:> Hi ,
> When I run the following code , I get both the description and the value ,
> eg : Intercept and 0.5714286.
> Is there a way to extract just the value 0.5714286? Thanks!
>> x <- c(1,5,3,1)> y <- c(5,8,2,3)> lm(x~y)
> Call:
> lm(formula = x ~ y)
> Coefficients:
> (Intercept) y
> 0.5714 0.4286
>> lm(x~y)$coefficient[1](Intercept)
> 0.5714286
It's a name, not a description. The result is a named vector.
To get rid of the name, call unname() on it, i.e.
Duncan Murdoch