Hi R-helpers, I intend to record the errors in my R code while calling functions in a dataframe (ERR_LOG, say). I want to use 'try' to identify errors while calling a function,if any.The dataframe(ERR_LOG) will have the following columns : Time : The time at which the function was called (Sys.time) Loc : For which function call was this error recorded (name of the function) Desc : Description of the error which R throws at us (Error message in R) Example : First I would like to initialize a blank dataframe 'ERR_LOG' with these columns Then write the function f <- function(a){ x <- a*100 return(x) } Now I put the output of the call to 'f' in 'chk' chk <- try(f()) The above call gives the error 'Error in a * 100 : 'a' is missing' (description of the error) Check if(inherits(chk,'try-error')) {then I want to populate ERR_LOG and stop the code execution} How can this be done in R? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]