Or, something to that effect. Following is an example of what I'm working with basic ABO blood type ML estimation from observed type (phenotypic) frequencies. First, I generate a log-likelihood function. mu[1] -> mu[2] are allele freqs for A and B alleles, respectively. Since freq of O allele is redundant, I use 1-mu[1]-mu[2] for that. The terms in the function are the probability expressions for the expected values of each phenotype. But, that is somewhat besides the point: f_abo <- function(mu) { 25*log(mu[1]^2+2*mu[1]*(1-mu[1]-mu[2]))+25*log(mu[2]^2+2*mu[2]*(1-mu[1]-mu[2]))+50*log(2*mu[1]*mu[2])+15*log((1-mu[1]-mu[2])^2) } So, I want to come up with MLE for mu[1] and mu[2] (for alleleic freqs for A and B alleles, respectively. Now, given the data, I know (from having maximized this likelihood outside of R) that the MLE for mu[1] is 0.37176, and for mu[2], the same -- mu[2]=0.371763. I confirm this in MATLAB, and Maple, and Mathematica, using various non-linear solvers/optimization routines. They all yielded recisely the right answers. But, stuck trying to come up with a general approach to getting the 'right estimates' in R, that doesn't rely on strong prior knowledge of the parameters. I tried the following - I used L-BFGDS-B' because this is a 'boxed' optimzation: mu[1] and mu[2] are both parameters on the interval [0,1]. results <- optim(c(0.3,0.3), f_abo, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower=c(0.1,0.1), upper=c(0.9,0.9), hessian = TRUE,control=list(fnscale=-1)) but that through the following error at me: L-BFGS-B needs finite values of 'fn' OK, fine. Taking that literally, and thinking a bit, clear that the problem is that the upper bound on the parms creates the problem. So, I try the crude approach of making the upper bound for each 0.5: results <- optim(c(0.3,0.3), f_abo, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower=c(0.1,0.1), upper=c(0.5,0.5), hessian = TRUE,control=list(fnscale=-1)) No errors this time, but no estimates either. At all. OK -- so I 'cheat', and since I know that mu[1]=mu[2]=0.37176, I make another change to the upper limit, using 0.4 for both parms: results <- optim(c(0.3,0.3), f_abo, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower=c(0.1,0.1), upper=c(0.4,0.4), hessian = TRUE,control=list(fnscale=-1)) Works perfectly, and...right estimates too. ;-) But, I could get there from here because I had prior knowledge of the parameter values. In other words, I cheated (not a thinly veiled suggestion that prior information is cheating, of course ;-) What I'm trying to figure out is how to do a constrained optimization with R, where mu[1] and mu[2] are estimated subject to the constraint that 0 <= mu[1]+mu[2] <= 1 There seems to be no obvious way to impose that -- which creates a problem for optim since if I set 'vague' bounds on the parms (as per original attempt), optim tries combinations (like mu[1]=0.9, mu[2]=0.9), which aren't plausible, given the constraint that 0 <= mu[1]+mu[2] <= 1. Further, in this example, mu[1]=mu[2]. That might not be the case, and I might need to set upper bound on a parameter to be >0.5. But, without knowing which parameter, I'd need to set both from (say) 0.1 -> 0.9. Is this possible with optim, or do I need to use a different package? If I can get there from here using optim, what do I need to do, either to my call to the optim routine, or the function that I pass to it? This sort of thing is quite easy in (say) Maple. I simply execute NLPSolve(f_abo,initialpoint={mu[1]=0.2,mu[2]=0.2},{mu[1]+mu[2]<=1},mu[1]=0.1..0.9,mu[2]=0.1..0.9,maximize); where I'm telling the NLPSolve function that there is a constraint for mu[1] and mu[2] (as above), which lets me set bounds on the parameter over larger interval. Can I do the same in R? Again, I'm trying to avoid having to use a 'good guess'. I know I can gene count to come up with a quick and dirty starting point (the basis for the EM algorithm commonly used for this), but again, I'm trying to avoid that. Thanks very much in advance. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]