2014-Aug-29 08:44 UTC
[R] what 's meaning of setting options() through .onLoad() funtion in making a package?
Dear expeRts, ? ?I am now reading a book which teaching how to make ?a ?r package, i investigated from ?options but nothing said about in making a package. The help document only just introduce some option keys to me in some basic r packages. ? But i want to know, why need to ?set some options in make a r package, e.g. ? If i use options(a=3) in my package, what's usage of a ? The following code is from Hadley wickham's book , i attach it for your better understanding my quesion: .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { op <- options() op.devtools <- list( devtools.path = "~/R-dev", devtools.install.args = "", devtools.name = "Your name goes here", devtools.desc.author = '"First Last <first.last at example.com> [aut, cre]"', devtools.desc.license = "What license is it under?", devtools.desc.suggests = NULL, devtools.desc = list() ) toset <- !(names(op.devtools) %in% names(op)) if(any(toset)) options(op.devtools[toset]) invisible() } -- PO SU mail: desolator88 at 163.com Majored in Statistics from SJTU