On 18/08/2014 9:35 AM, Hugues Fran?ois wrote:> Hello,
> As you can read in the small code below, I do not represent directly my
data but its inverse in the limits of my radial plot and I would like to reorder
grid labelling from the upper value at the center and the lower one at the
graph's border. In my example I would like to have 40 at the center and 0 on
the border.
> http://oi62.tinypic.com/9zrntv.jpg
> I tried to find examples of radial.labels parameter on the web but I
didn't find any.
> Here is my code :
> radial.plot(
> mylim-data2[data2[,1]==sta,2:length(data2)],
> rp.type="p",
> radial.lim=c(0,mylim),
> line.col="#648bda",
> lwd = 2,
> start=1.56,
> clockwise = T)
From the help page, it looks as though radial.labels should allow you
to set that. You didn't post any data to demonstrate with, but I would
assume it's a character vector (or numeric that will be coerced to
character) of the same length as radial.lim.
Duncan Murdoch