Dear all. I am trying to relate daily deaths in a given city with air pollution values. The model I am using is as follows: model <- glm(deaths ~ pollution + ns(time, 13) + ns(temp, 7) + ns(rh, 5) + dow + holiday, family=quasipoisson, data=city) Where - deaths: daily number of deaths pollution: daily measured levels of air pollution ns(time, 13): smooth function (i.e. cubic spline) of time with 13 degrees of freedom ns(temp, 7): smooth function (i.e. cubic spline) of temperature with 7 degrees of freedom ns(rh, 5): smooth function (i.e. cubic spline) of humidity with 5 degrees of freedom dow: day of the week holiday: dummy variable to indicate public holidays Having run this model, how do I obtain predicted values of deaths for any given set of pollution values? Thanks in advance, Dhiman Bhadra Assistant professor. IIM Ahmedabad. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]