I have been trying to get XLConnect to work on my Linux Mint Maya machine.
R works fine but this package doesn't seem to want to build. Here is the
message I get after supposedly building XLConnect and rJava:
>> require(XLConnect)
> Loading required package: XLConnect
> Error : .onLoad failed in loadNamespace() for 'rJava', details:
> call: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...)
> error: unable to load shared object
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I purged the openJDK and downloaded the 1.7.0_65 JDK form Oracle.
The build and the compile seemed to work ok as there were no errors. For example
I can generate ggplot2 graphs.
I know this is probably the wrong forum but if someone could gently point me in
the right direction I would be very appreciative.
Thanks so much for your time,