Jennifer Gruhn
2014-Jul-22 22:08 UTC
Randomly sample data frame points relative to raster grid cells
In R, I have a raster entitled "raster_crude" with the following details:> raster_crudeclass : RasterLayer dimensions : 320, 392, 125440 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 0.125, 0.125 (x, y) extent : -152, -103, 30, 70 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref. : +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 In R, I also have a data frame entitled "rangewide_absences" of longitude and latitude points, within the extent of raster_crude, and with the following details:> class(rangewide_absences)[1] "data.frame" > names(rangewide_absences)[1] "LON" "LAT" > nrow(rangewide_absences)[1] 217494 > summary(rangewide_absences)LON LAT Min. :-134.3 Min. : 0.00 1st Qu.:-120.3 1st Qu.:39.56 Median :-116.0 Median :43.02 Mean :-115.0 Mean :42.72 3rd Qu.:-110.5 3rd Qu.:46.27 Max. : 0.0 Max. :59.95 Oftentimes, there is more than one point of rangewide_absences falling within the grid cells of raster_crude. How do I make a new data frame of points, maintaining the LON and LAT columns, such that only one point is sampled PER raster grid cell? I have been using the package "raster." With the function "extract," one can extract grid cells to points. However, how do you extract a randomly-selected point relative to each grid cell? Many thanks, Jennifer [[alternative HTML version deleted]]