I'm trying to run this code
data2 <- sqldf (" SELECT plot, age, avg(N) as N FROM data1 GROUP BY
The problem is that when calling sqldf with>require(sqldf)
appears this message
Warning message:
In sqliteCloseConnection(conn, ...) :
RS-DBI driver warning: (closing pending result sets before closing this
If try again
the message does not appear, but when trying the code afterwards, I get a
new message
Error in sqliteFetch(rs, n = -1, ...) :
RSQLite driver: (RS_SQLite_fetch: failed: Domain error)
I have a new Windows 8.1
Do I need any other installations o packages or something else?
The code was working in older Windows XP and Linux
Juan Daniel García Villabrille, Ingeniero de Montes, colegiado nº 5.319
627 188 682
e-mail: juandaniel.gv@gmail.com
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