hi, guys, I am just a beginner to the excellent R package, quantmod. I quite don't know how to change the y-axis name in the chartSeries function. Actually, I want to write some sort of the following function, by which I could use just one code sentence to complete the financial analysis. The following function is designed to provide some aspects of the S&P500. And now I want to change the "stock.name" on the y-axis as "S&P500". Is there anyway to realize this? THX William ################################################################# stock.price <- function(stock.name, stock.code){ #### Loading...... library(zoo) library(xts) library(TTR) library(Defaults) library(quantmod) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Theme: white theme.white <- chartTheme("white") names(theme.white) theme.white$bg.col <- "white" theme.white$up.col <- "red" theme.white$dn.col <- "green" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #### main function stock.name <- getSymbols(stock.code, from = "2010-01-01", to = Sys.Date(), src = "yahoo", auto.assign=FALSE) chartSeries(stock.name, theme = theme.white, # subset = 'last 12 months', TA = "addVo(); addSMA(); addEnvelope(); addMACD(); addMomentum(); addROC(); addBBands()") addLines(v = which(stock.name[,4] == max(stock.name[,4])), col = "gray") } ################################################################# stock.price(S&P500, "^GSPC")