Dear R community, I’m trying to use the “party” package to view variables that are important in my data frame (FIM_RS4). My data has a combination of ordinal, nominal, categorical, and continuous data. I’ve written my code below, with my predictor variables being 2:36, and my response is 37 (Mussel). If anyone could point me in the direction of how to get rid of this error message, I would very much appreciate the guidance. FIM_RS4<-read.csv("FIM_RS_4.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=T) #all ordinal variables have been ordered in my complete code as well mycontrols <- cforest_control(ntree=5000,mtry=4, minsplit=5) cforest.rf <- cforest(as.factor(Mussel)~., data=FIM_RS4[,c(37,2:36)], controls=mycontrols) # indata=FIM_RS4[,2:36] # rf.model=cforest.rf temp <- varimp.function(indata=FIM_RS4[,2:6], rf.model=cforest.rf,num.iterations=5, seedset = 2000,condition.varimp = T,write_csv=F) Ø Error in model@fit(data, ...) : error code 1 from Lapack routine 'dgesdd' #The reason I’m assigning a varimp.function to temp is to run iterations in the next piece of code. #Same error occurs if I do not assign the iteration function varimp.function to temp, and simply do: varimp(cforest.rf, conditional = TRUE) Ø Error in model@fit(data, ...) : error code 1 from Lapack routine 'dgesdd' Many thanks in advance, Rox [[alternative HTML version deleted]]