Hi, I have run a Tukey Kramer on my mixed effects models (using lmer). However, I have non-normal data that can't really be transformed because it includes negative numbers. So, I have opted to use a parametric bootstrap to deal with the violation of the assumptions. Here is my code for the mixed effects models and the parametric bootstraps, which runs fine. T.chicka.full<-lmer(Chicka ~ Stimuli + Playback + (1|House) + (1|Season), na.action="na.exclude", data=chick, REML = "F") T.chicka.null<-lmer(Chicka ~ Playback + (1|House) + (1|Season), na.action"na.exclude", data=chick, REML = "F") T.chicka.full anova(T.chicka.null, T.chicka.full) #BOOTSTRAPPING# chicka.boot<-numeric(1000) for(i in 1:1000){ chicka.est <- unlist(simulate(T.chicka.null)) null.chicka<-lmer(chicka.est ~ 1 + (1|House[!is.na(chick$Chicka)]) + (1| Season[!is.na(chick$Chicka)]), na.action="na.exclude", REML=F) alt.chicka<- lmer(chicka.est ~ Stimuli[!is.na(chick$Chicka)] + (1|House[! is.na(chick$Chicka)]) + (1|Season[!is.na(chick$Chicka)]), na.action"na.exclude", REML=F) chicka.boot[i] <- 2*(logLik(alt.chicka) - logLik(null.chicka)) } (sum(chicka.boot > 26.656) + 1)/1000 #p-value = 0.001 hist(chicka.boot) However, I am trying to run a parametric bootstrap on my Tukey Kramer code, but cannot figure out how to combine them. Below is my code for the Tukey Kramer. #TUKEYS# comp.T.chicka <- glht(T.chicka.full, linfct = mcp(Stimuli="Tukey")) print(summary(comp.T.chicka)) chick$stimuliplayback <- interaction(chick$Stimuli, chick$Playback) model.T.chicka <- lmer(Chicka ~ stimuliplayback + (1|House) + (1|Season), na.action="na.exclude", data=chick) comp.stimuli.playback <- glht(model.T.chicka, linfct=mcp(stimuliplayback"Tukey")) summary(comp.stimuli.playback) If anyone knows how to incorporate the Tukey Kramer code into the parametric bootstrap code I would appreciate any help I can get. Alternatively, if anyone has suggestions for another way to bootstrap Tukey Kramer I would also be so appreciative. Thank you! A -- Alexis Billings PhD Candidate, Bioacoustics Lab Organismal Biology and Ecology Division of Biological Sciences University of Montana [[alternative HTML version deleted]]