Alicia Ellis
2014-Mar-25 14:16 UTC
"no 'nobs' method available" error when using BIC selection in glmulti with genetic algorithm and lmer
I am running glmulti with the lme function and selection using BIC. When I do this, I get the following error: no 'nobs' method is available I am running this on R version 3.0.3 and on a server with multiple cores and a ton of memory. The model seems to work fine if I do selection with AIC which makes sense because nobs() is principally used when computing BIC. Code is below. My data file has over 300,000 rows so it might be best to test this with some generic data. However, if you want my data, email me and I'll file transfer it to you. Is there a bug in the function code for glmulti or some other problem? Thanks! ############################################################################## ########## Create lmer wrapper to paste random variable to all models ########## lmer.glmulti <- function (formula, data, random = "", ...) { lmer(paste(deparse(formula), random), data = data, REML=F, ...) } ############################################################################## ########## Run models with NO Interactions using genetic algorithm ########## ########## Add intermediate immigration (0.5) to avoid selecting local optima ########## Select based on AIC ########## NOTE: selection on BIC does NOT work. Problem with function?? glmulti.model <- glmulti(stunt.dhs ~ dis_ed_des_scaled_sqrt* biome_clu* avg_clu_tc_scaled_sqrt* dist_road_scaled_sqrt* avg_elev_scaled* ann_precip_scaled* tc_des_scaled* biome_des* area_des_scaled_sqrt* pden_lscan_scaled_sqrt* wealth.factor_scaled* time.water_scaled_sqrt* drink.water* urban.rural, data=mydata, level = 1, fitfunc = lmer.glmulti, random = "+(1|country.code/year/cluster)", method = "g", imm = 0.5, crit = bic, confsetsize = 16384) -- Alicia Ellis Postdoc Gund Institute for Ecological Economics University of Vermont 617 Main Street Burlington, VT 05405 (802) 656-1046 <> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]