I created a graph of the R task views using python to scrape the HTML, networkx to construct the graph at runtime then dumped it out as a graphviz dot file. Finally creating an SVG file with dot: see metrak.com/R/taskview.svg I was wondering what people find useful for visualising graphs with many nodes. I notice the task views mention igraph and Rgraphviz for visualising large graphs. I haven't tried igraph yet (I need to first dump the output of my python script into something that I can import with R) but the current SVG is the product of graphviz (dot) so I imagine Rgraphviz would yield similar results. I guess with so many nodes even the "best" layout is going to be pretty difficult to read so maybe an interactive method is required? Having said that, if I could add jitter to the rank to get the output approaching a square that might help. My HTML scraping choked on quite a few "nodes" that are apparently formatted a bit differently to most of the others so the SVG file is not complete. I just happened to choose the task views as an exercise in dealing with graphs, I don't have a particular use of the output in mind. cheers