Charles Thuo
2014-Mar-08 08:13 UTC
[R] fitting the lognormal and binomial into a gumbel copula
require(copula) # I specify the copula gmb<-gumbelCopula(4,dim=2) # The bivariate CDF is generated myCDF<-mvdc(gmb,margins=c("lnorm","nbinom"),paramMargins=list(list(meanlog=11.69,sdlog=0.7781),list(mu=16,size=2.6))) # A random sample of the bivariate risk data is generated as a matrix. The univariate parameters had been fitted using fitdistrplus y<-cbind(rlnorm(1000,11.69,0.7781),rnbinom(1000,mu=16,size=2.6)) # the model is fitted and runs Fitted<-fitMvdc(x,myCDF,c(4,meanlog=12,sdlog=0.9,mu=16,size=3)) # but when i attempt to call the model i get the following error Fitted Error: object 'Fitted' not found Why does this happen and the model runs Charles. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]