Hi All, With the risk of asking an obvious question: I have use the following code to generate hexagonal tessellation: lambertCRS<-"+proj=laea" coords1<-matrix(c(-30,31,-30,80,50,80,50,31,-30,31),ncol=2, byrow=TRUE) coords=project(coords1,lambertCRS) pg=Polygon(coords) HexPts=spsample(pg, type="hexagonal", n=1750, offset=c(0,0),border=FALSE) HexPols = HexPoints2SpatialPolygons(HexPts) proj4string(HexPols)<-lambertCRS baseCRS<-CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84") HexPolsLatLon<-spTransform(HexPols,baseCRS) What I am trying to do next is to generate the same tessellation but using squares instead of hexagons. This can be achieved by using: spsample(pg, type="regular", n=1750, offset=c(0,0),border=FALSE) but I do not know how to convert the resulting points to spatial polygons. Thank you very much. Cheers, Bogdan