Hello, I used the gls function from the nlme package to run a generalized least squares model. One of the predictor variables is a factor with 3 levels. Here is a reproducible example: library(nlme) response <- c(rnorm(5,1,3), rnorm(5,6,1), rnorm(5,10,5)) foo <- data.frame(response = response, X=rep(letters[1:3], each=5), Y=rep(LETTERS[1:3], each=5)) m1 <- gls(response ~ X, weights = varIdent(form= ~1|Y), data=foo) The anova command indicates that the factor X is significant: anova(m1) The summary command compares the mean of each level of X to the reference level, which is 'a' in this case: summary(m1) Based on the summary command, I will report that levels 'b' and 'c' are greater than 'a' at the p < 0.05 level. My question is, what test should I cite for these post hoc comparisons? Are these contrasts a version of Tukeys, Scheffe, Fisher LSD, or something similar. This reproducible example can also be viewed at: http://rpubs.com/jbeaulie/12839 =================================Jake J. Beaulieu, PhD US Environmental Protection Agency National Risk Management Research Lab 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive Cincinnati, OH 45268 USA 513-569-7842 (desk) 513-487-2511 (fax) beaulieu.jake@epa.gov [[alternative HTML version deleted]]