The deviance being chi^2 distributed on the residual degrees of freedom
works in some cases (mostly where the response itself can be reasonably
approximated as Gaussian), but rather poorly in others (noteably low
count data). This is what you are seeing in your simulations - in the
first case the Poisson mean is relatively high - so the normal
approximation to the Poisson is not too bad and the deviance is approx.
chi.sq on residual df. In the second case the Poisson mean is low, there
are lots of zeroes, and the approximation breaks down. So yes, the
Pearson estimator is probably a better bet in the latter case.
ps. Note that the chi squared approximation for the *difference* in
deviance between two nested models does not suffer from this problem.
On 04/02/14 09:25, Greg Dropkin wrote:> mgcv: distribution of dev
> hi
> I can't tell if this is a simple error.
> I'm puzzled by the distribution of dev when fitting a gam to Poisson
> generated data.
> I expected dev to be approximately chi-squared on residual d.f., i.e.
> about 1000 in each case below.
> In particular, the low values in the 3rd and 4th versions would suggest
> scale < 1, yet the data is Poisson generated.
> The problem isn't caused by insufficient k values in the smoother.
> Does this mean that with sparse data the distribution of dev is no longer
> approx chi-sq on residual df?
> Does it mean the scale estimate when fitting quasipoisson should be the
> Pearson version?
> thanks
> greg
> library(mgcv)
> set.seed(1)
> x1<-runif(1000)
> linp<-2+exp(-2*x1)*sin(8*x1)
> sum(exp(linp))
> dev1<-dev2<-sums<-rep(0,20)
> for (j in 1:20)
> {
> y<-rpois(1000,exp(linp))
> sums[j]<-sum(y)
> m1<-gam(y~s(x1),family="poisson")
> m2<-gam(y~s(x1,k=20),family="poisson")
> dev1[j]=m1$dev
> dev2[j]=m2$dev
> }
> mean(sums)
> sd(sums)
> mean(dev1)
> sd(dev1)
> mean(dev2)
> sd(dev2)
> #dev slighly higher than expected
> linpa<--1+exp(-2*x1)*sin(8*x1)
> sum(exp(linpa))
> dev1a<-dev2a<-sumsa<-rep(0,20)
> for (j in 1:20)
> {
> y<-rpois(1000,exp(linpa))
> sumsa[j]<-sum(y)
> m1<-gam(y~s(x1),family="poisson")
> m2<-gam(y~s(x1,k=20),family="poisson")
> dev1a[j]=m1$dev
> dev2a[j]=m2$dev
> }
> mean(sumsa)
> sd(sumsa)
> mean(dev1a)
> sd(dev1a)
> mean(dev2a)
> sd(dev2a)
> #dev a bit lower than expected
> linpb<--1.5+exp(-2*x1)*sin(8*x1)
> sum(exp(linpb))
> dev1b<-dev2b<-sumsb<-rep(0,20)
> for (j in 1:20)
> {
> y<-rpois(1000,exp(linpb))
> sumsb[j]<-sum(y)
> m1<-gam(y~s(x1),family="poisson")
> m2<-gam(y~s(x1,k=20),family="poisson")
> dev1b[j]=m1$dev
> dev2b[j]=m2$dev
> }
> mean(sumsb)
> sd(sumsb)
> mean(dev1b)
> sd(dev1b)
> mean(dev2b)
> sd(dev2b)
> #dev much lower than expected
> m1q<-gam(y~s(x1),family="quasipoisson",scale=-1)
> m1q$scale
> m1q$dev/(1000-sum(m1q$edf))
> #scale estimate < 1
> sum((y-fitted(m1q))^2/fitted(m1q))/(1000-sum(m1q$edf))
> #Pearson estimate of scale closer, but also < 1
> linpc<--2+exp(-2*x1)*sin(8*x1)
> sum(exp(linpc))
> dev1c<-dev2c<-sumsc<-rep(0,20)
> for (j in 1:20)
> {
> y<-rpois(1000,exp(linpc))
> sumsc[j]<-sum(y)
> m1<-gam(y~s(x1),family="poisson")
> m2<-gam(y~s(x1,k=20),family="poisson")
> dev1c[j]=m1$dev
> dev2c[j]=m2$dev
> }
> mean(sumsc)
> sd(sumsc)
> mean(dev1c)
> sd(dev1c)
> mean(dev2c)
> sd(dev2c)
> #dev much lower than expected
> m1q<-gam(y~s(x1),family="quasipoisson",scale=-1)
> m1q$scale
> m1q$sig2
> m1q$dev/(1000-sum(m1q$edf))
> #scale estimate < 1
> sum((y-fitted(m1q))^2/fitted(m1q))/(1000-sum(m1q$edf))
> #Pearson estimate of scale ok
Simon Wood, Mathematical Science, University of Bath BA2 7AY UK
+44 (0)1225 386603