Greetings. New to R. Spent the last couple weeks inhaling what docs are installed on my box such as the emacs "info" files. Wanting to go deeper now and find that I've got lots of these 00Index.html files but their many links all point to nonexistent files. What package(s) am I missing? Thanks root at jerry:/tmp# R --version R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) -- "Roasted Marshmallows" Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing ISBN 3-900051-07-0 Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) root at jerry:/tmp# cat /etc/debian_version 7.3 The 00Index pages render just fine... Location: file:///usr/lib/R/library/compiler/html/00Index.html The R Compiler Package [R logo] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Up] [Top] Documentation for package compiler version 2.15.1 * DESCRIPTION file. Help Pages cmpfile Byte Code Compiler cmpfun Byte Code Compiler compile Byte Code Compiler compilePKGS Byte Code Compiler disassemble Byte Code Compiler enableJIT Byte Code Compiler getCompilerOption Byte Code Compiler loadcmp Byte Code Compiler setCompilerOptions Byte Code Compiler Links such as the first and indeed all of them in this index and lots of the others I've looked at don't work. file:///usr/lib/R/library/compiler/html/compile.html I've installed every package that I can readily identify as containing documentation; such as r-doc-html, r-doc-info, r-base-html etc. -- Jerry Sievers Postgres DBA/Development Consulting e: at p: 312.241.7800