Dear all, I have a big problem with R. I want to make a multitaper power spectrum analysis of a time series using 3 tapers and a resolution of two years with robust background noise estimation. I try different packages but unsuccessful. library(multitaper) d<-spec.mtm(CAMstd, nw=2, k=3,deltat=1/12,dtUnits="year") library(psd) dB<-Years dd<-pilot_spec(CAMstd, x.frequency = 2,log="dB", ntap = 3, remove.AR = 0, plot = T, verbose = FALSE) Please give a solution to succeed with this analysis. Thank you very much! -- --- Catalin-Constantin ROIBU Lecturer PhD, Forestry engineer Forestry Faculty of Suceava Str. Universitatii no. 13, Suceava, 720229, Romania office phone +4 0230 52 29 78, ext. 531 mobile phone +4 0745 53 18 01 +4 0766 71 76 58 FAX: +4 0230 52 16 64 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]