>The svycoxph function in the survey package loads the survival package and >produces objects of class svycoxph and coxph. > >The print.coxph function - print(coxph.object, conf.int = 0.95) - in the >survival package lists the values of the coxph object including the hazard >ratios with 95% CIs. > >When applied to svycoxph/coxph objects, print(svycoxph.object, conf.int >0.95) does not list the 95% CIs. > >Using the call print.coxph(svycoxph.object, conf.int = 0.95) returns the >error that print.coxph can?t be found. > >I have tried various arguments in print(predict(svycoxph.object, se = T, >type = ?)), but without returning the CIs. > >Any suggestions on the correct syntax will be appreciated. > >Nathan > >-- >Nathan Pace, MD, MStat >Department of Anesthesiology >University of Utah >801.581.6393 >n.l.pace at utah.edu > >