Juan Antonio Balbuena
2013-Dec-18 08:28 UTC
[R] multicore and mclapply problem in calculation server
Hello I am using package multicore for parallel computing in a Altix UltraViolet 1000 server with 64 CPUs and 960 GB of RAM memory. Access is managed by means of a SGE queue system. This is the first time I am using parallel computing and my experience with supercomputers is quite limited. So any help will be much, much appreciated. My experiment consists of a number of runs (N.runs) each involving a number of permutations (N. perms). (An excerpt of the code is included below.) The permutations are very time consuming and I am using mclapply to distribute the job among a given number of cpus (usually 12 to 24). The problem is that the system administrators notice that threads keep increasing as the program is executed to the point that they compromise the functioning of the whole system and have to abort the job. I have tried to specify in the bash file sent to the queue RAM limits (using ulimit) and the number of cpus to be used but it doesn't help. An example of the code I am using may be #LOAD LIBRARIES NEEDED: library(ape) library(phytools) library(phangorn) library(multicore) # .... SOME 100 LINES HERE DEVOTED TO DEFINE FUNCTIONS -- OMITTED FOR BREVITY ####### body <- function (N.perm) { #MAIN BODY = 1 RUN -- IT PUTS FUNCTIONS TOGETHER HP <- HPrandomizer(NH,NP,N.assoc) linH = readLines(conH, n= N.perm) linP = readLines(conP, n= N.perm) stat.matrix <- matrix((rep(NA, 6*N.perm)), ,6) # wrapper <- function (x) { # THIS FUCNTION IS SUPPOSED TO BE PARALLELIZED (SEE BELOW) treeH <- read.tree(text=linH[x]) treeP <- read.tree(text=linP[x]) mrcaL <- MRCALink.simul (treeH, treeP, HP) stat.matrix[x,] <- three.stat(mrcaL) } x <- c(1: length(linH)) #NOTE THAT linH IS SUPPOSED TO BE N.perm stat.matrix <- do.call(rbind, mclapply(x, wrapper, mc.cores= 6)) # USE OF MCLAPPLY Pstat <- apply(stat.matrix, 2, rank)[1,]/length(linH) write(c(stat.matrix[1,], Pstat), file "/scratch/ba/balbuena/30H30P40.txt", sep ="\t", append =TRUE,ncolumns=12) } ptm <- proc.time() # THE PROGRAM STARTS HERE NH= 30 NP= 30 N.assoc= 40 N.runs = 1000 N.perm = 999 conH = file("/scratch/ba/balbuena/1MH_30.tre", open="rt") # READS TEXT DATA FROM EXTERNAL FILE conP = file("/scratch/ba/balbuena/1MP_30.tre", open="rt") # " " " " " " replicate (N.runs, body(N.perm)) # LOOPING body NUMBER OF RUNS close(conH) close(conP) proc.time() - ptm Than you very much for your attention Juan A. Balbuena -- Dr. Juan A. Balbuena Marine Zoology Unit Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology University of Valencia [1]uv.es/~balbuena P.O. Box 22085 [2]uv.es/cavanilles/zoomarin/index.htm 46071 Valencia, Spain [3]cetus.uv.es/mullpardb/index.html e-mail: [4]j.a.balbuena at uv.es tel. +34 963 543 658 fax +34 963 543 733 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE! For shipments by EXPRESS COURIER use the following street address: C/ Catedr??tico Jos?? Beltr??n 2, 46980 Paterna (Valencia), Spain. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ References 1. uv.es/~balbuena 2. uv.es/cavanilles/zoomarin/index.htm 3. cetus.uv.es/mullpardb/index.html 4. mailto:j.a.balbuena at uv.es