On Nov 6, 2013, at 8:33 AM, Mario Garrido wrote:
> Dear administrators,
> I tried to stop receving mails from your webpage to my current mail (
> gaiarrido at usal.es). I try to do it through your webpage but i was not
> able. I would appreciate to be removed from the mailing list.
If you were unable to login with your current addres it might have been because
there was not an exact match for the domain name. This happens when an
institution changes their domain name and forwards mail for a time to a new
address. In this case, however, you are subscribed with that address. The
moderators do not have delete rights to subscriptions, nor can they generate
password reminders. Your password should be sent on a regular basis. (From the
web page where you subscribed: "Once a month, your password will be emailed
to you as a reminder.")
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Mario Garrido Escudero
David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA