Hi all, I am trying to add a color legend to my plot. As an example I am giving you a bit of code that you can run. I am sharing for everyone a small data snipset that you can load https://www.dropbox.com/s/fh8jhwujgunmtrb/DataToPlotAsImage.Rdata load("DataToPlotAsImage.Rdata") require(plotrix) browser() test<-data # this transforms the values of "test" into red->yellow color2D.matplot(test,axes="F",xlab="",ylab="",main="color.scale", extremes=c("#FF0000","#FFFF00"),show.legend=FALSE) axis(1,at=seq(1,ncol(test),length.out=10),labels=seq(201,300,length.out=10)) color.legend(104,30,112,70,seq(-110,-30,length=11), align="rb",rect.col=color.scale(1:30,1,c(0,1),0),gradient="y") as you can see I have problems where the legend appears. My par("usr" returned me par("usr") # [1] 0 351 0 200 but I am not sure how to read that to place the legend at a useful place. second I am not sure why the image is so full with black rows.. What I want is to have the legend visible and later on customize the x axis to write custom string of different size... First I need though to fix the more severe problems as I have described RegardsAlex [[alternative HTML version deleted]]