Olivier Eterradossi
2013-Oct-24 07:16 UTC
[R] TR: problem with ecdf : "missing C_R_approxfun" message
Hi again, this is a follow-up of my previous post : I've noticed that> attr(first.list[[1]]$size.ecdf,"call") gives ecdf(test.moms[, "m.pxs"]) and that there is no "test.moms" field in my records (a local variable named test.moms was used inside a function, but it was stored under another name in the list, outside the function)May this be the answer (and I've been stupid not to see this before !) ? Anyway, trying to change "test.moms" to the real name of the corresponding record field, i.e. :> attr(first.list[[1]]$size.ecdf,"call")<-ecdf(first.list[[1]]$true.varname[,"m.pxs"])Does not fix the problem. Is changing the call attribute the thing to do, but done in a wrong way ? If yes, what is the "good way" ? If not, what can be done ? Thanks again, Olivier De : Olivier Eterradossi Envoyé : jeudi 24 octobre 2013 08:54 À : 'r-help@r-project.org' Objet : problem with ecdf : "missing C_R_approxfun" message Hi list, In June 2013, using R.2.15.1 (i386) on Windows 7, I calculated a set of ecdf which I stored in lists of records having a "size.ecdf" field, with following structure : [skip previous structure...] $ size.ecdf :function (v) ..- attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "ecdf" "stepfun" "function" ..- attr(*, "call")=length 2 ecdf(test.moms[, "m.pxs"]) .. ..- attr(*, "srcref")=Class 'srcref' atomic [1:8] 12 1 12 36 1 36 12 12 .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "srcfile")=Classes 'srcfilecopy', 'srcfile' <environment: 0x07d7b3b0> [skip following structure...] In September I upgraded to R.3.0.1 under the same OS I need to use my previously recorded ecdfs again, and try to plot one as in :> plot(first.list[[1]]$size.ecdf,col=couleurs[1],main="first ecdf")Which returns : Erreur dans x(0.5 * (ti.l + ti.r)) : objet 'C_R_approxfun' introuvable Sorry it's in French ;-) , it translates to "error in x(0.5 * (ti.l + ti.r)) : missing object 'C_R_approxfun' " The same message prints when trying to use other ecdf methods, or other records in my lists. I first searched the help and archives without success, here are four questions I cannot answer : What is this "C_R_approxfun" object and what is it intended to do ? What may have caused it is missing now (and was not in June) ? Does this mean that I should have recorded other useful parameters in June (such as environment parameters) ? Or anything else I cannot guess ? Thanks for helping, I'm stuck and I would prefer not to calculate all my "old" ecdfs again ! Regards, Olivier -------------------------- Olivier ETERRADOSSI Maître-Assistant, HDR Ecole des Mines d'Alès (C2MA, site de Pau) Ingénierie de l'aspect visuel et tactile des matériaux Pôle « Recherche sur les Interactions des Matériaux avec leur Environnement » (RIME) Hélioparc, 2 av. P. Angot, F-64053 PAU CEDEX 9 Tel : 05 59 30 90 35 (direct) - 05 59 30 54 25 (std) Fax : 05 59 30 63 68 http://www.mines-ales.fr<http://www.mines-ales.fr/> http://www.mines-telecom.fr<http://www.mines-telecom.fr/> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]