Hi, i made a loop , then i got more than 50 warning messages, and i know what these messages and why they appears my question here is the warning message affecting in the accuracy of the results this is my loop nrep= 1000 n1=25 set.seed(123) nw1<-c() for (i in 1:nrep) { e<- rnorm(n1,0,0.1) x<- runif(n1,0,1) mx<- 1-x+exp(-200*(x-0.5)^2) y<- mx+e h<- bw.ucv(x,nb = 1000) est1 <- ksmooth(x, y, kernel = "normal", bandwidth = h, x.points = x)$y nw1 <- cbind(nw1,est1) } There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) RegardsKhulood H. --------------------- áäÓÃá Çááå ÇáÌäÉ æãÇ íÞÑøÈ ÅáíåÇ ãä Þæá æÚãá [[alternative HTML version deleted]]