I recommend to start with
Anyway, beside Introduction to R you could go through
CRAN Task View: Design of Experiments (DoE) & Analysis of Experimental Data
and specifically through
Experimental designs for clinical trials
This task view only covers specific design of experiments packages; there may be
some grey areas. Please, also consult the ClinicalTrials task view.
*experiment contains tools for clinical experiments, e.g., a randomization tool,
and it provides a few special analysis options for clinical trials.
*Package gsDesign implements group sequential designs,
*Package gsbDesign evaluates operating characteristics for group sequential
Bayesian designs,
*package asd implements adaptive sequential designs.
*Package TEQR provides toxicity equivalence range designs (Blanchard and
Longmate 2010) for phase I clinical trials.
*The DoseFinding package provides functions for the design and analysis of
dose-finding experiments (for example pharmaceutical Phase II clinical trials);
it combines the facilities of the "MCPMod" package (maintenance
discontinued; described in Bornkamp, Pinheiro and Bretz 2009) with a special
type of optimal designs for dose finding situations (MED-optimal designs, or
D-optimal designs, or a mixture of both; cf., Dette et al. 2008)
Which shall provide you with some insight.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-help-bounces at r-project.org [mailto:r-help-bounces at r-
> project.org] On Behalf Of mina orang
> Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 10:26 AM
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Subject: [R] a very urgunt and important question about R
> Dear all
> I am doing a research in clinical psychology and I need to Generate a
> block randomization for a clinical trial, with two treatments and three
> therapists. I mean I must randomize the clients (all women) to two
> kinds of treatment (called "treatment as usual" and
"narrative exposure
> therapy") and three different therapists.
> I tried to do this randomization by using R software and by using
> stratification package but I didn't (and still can not) understand how
> I should use R for this job.
> Could you please help me and show me how I should use R for this kind
> of randomization in a really easy way?
> I really appreciate your help in advance.
> Best
> Mina
> P.S. I just know little about statistics and software. Please teach me
> in a really easy way.
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