Dear R-experts! I did an experiment with Guppy where I had two dietary groups ("High" and "Low"). I completed all my data analysis, but stacked in "paternity analysis". I ran the attached model to analyse them, but as a novice in R, it's very hard for me to confirm whether this gives me the correct output or not. I would like to examine the effect of the predictor traits (VAP, Viability, Body FAs) on paternity success (Proportion). Here, I fitted generalized linear models (GLMs) using a logit-link function as my data has some zeroes and ones. I also lie to use quasi-GLMs to correct for overdispersion. Now, I need some help from you guys to estimate the paternity success of my high group or both groups? ** With kind regards, Moshi -- MD. MOSHIUR RAHMAN PhD Candidate School of Animal Biology/Zoology (M092) University of Western Australia 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley, WA, 6009 Australia. Mob.: 061-425205507