Katarzyna Kulma
2013-Jul-03 08:22 UTC
[R] MuMIn package: plotting averaged model estimates with CI
Hiya, I'm fairly new to MuMIn (and plotting predicted values in R, for that matter) and I have quite a basic question: I want to plot model-averaged estimates with their 95% CI's for the supported interaction (Infection x ecs). I used the following data:> head(summ12b)ld sum12 Infection ecs 1 13 78.0 Infected Enlarged 2 15 134.5 Uninfected Enlarged 3 14 91.5 Infected Control 4 16 62.0 Infected Reduced 5 17 93.6 Infected Control 6 15 104.6 Uninfected Control>s12b<-lm(sum12~(Infection+ecs)^2+ld,data=summ12b) >ss12b<-dredge(s12b,trace = TRUE, rank = "AICc") >top.ss12b<- get.models(ss12b, subset = delta<2) >ad<-summary(model.avg(top.ss12b))and here's what I've got:>adCall: model.avg.default(object = top.ss12b) Component models: df logLik AICc Delta Weight 1234 8 -112.95 249.10 0.00 0.47 124 7 -115.31 249.95 0.86 0.31 1 4 -120.44 250.55 1.45 0.23 Term codes: ecs Infection ld ecs:Infection 1 2 3 4 Model-averaged coefficients: Estimate Std. Error Adjusted SE z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 112.737 30.847 31.505 3.578 0.000346 *** ecsEnlarged 23.817 13.376 13.798 1.726 0.084324 . ecsReduced -10.597 8.352 8.740 1.212 0.225364 InfectionUninfected 7.493 9.381 9.893 0.757 0.448793 ld -3.477 1.763 1.865 1.864 0.062252 . ecsEnlarged :InfectionUninfected 23.308 14.740 15.510 1.503 0.132892 ecsReduced :InfectionUninfected -22.112 12.589 13.307 1.662 0.096572 . --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Full model-averaged coefficients (with shrinkage): (Intercept) ecsEnlarged ecsReduced InfectionUninfected ld ecsEnlarged :InfectionUninfected 112.7373 23.8169 -10.5966 5.7952 -1.6285 18.0261 ecsReduced :InfectionUninfected -17.1008 Relative variable importance: ecs Infection ecs:Infection ld 1.00 0.77 0.77 0.47 I know that I can obtain 95% Ci's by using ad$avg.model, however, how to derive the estimates and CI's for ALL the groups and their factor levels included in the interaction? Thanks for your help! cheers, Kasia [[alternative HTML version deleted]]