Hi, First: i have looked through previous posts but could get one related to my problem! I am trying to fit a negative gompertz curve in my data seems alright but the curve doesn't bend at the left (max asymptote)...see graph attached. Here is my code; EProb=read.table("ProbF.txt",header=TRUE) attach(EProb) EProb plot(mHWLrelMSL,Prob, ylab="Exceedance probability, P (%)",xlab="mHWL (m rel Sea level)", xlim=c(-1.0,1.5), cex=1, pch=1, col="blue") ##################### ## Modified Negative Gompertz ....: Y = a* exp(b*(1-exp(c*X))) gm <- nls(Prob~ a*exp(b*(1-exp(c*mHWLrelMSL))), start=list(a=117.6234567153, b=-60.3, c=-0.2)) summary(gm) xfit= seq(min(mHWLrelMSL),max(mHWLrelMSL), by=0.01) param= coef(summary(gm))[,1] A=param [1] B=param [2] C=param [3] yfit = A*exp(B*(1-exp(C*xfit))) lines(spline(xfit,yfit),col="red",lwd=3) ####parent text file Prob.txt <http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4670394/Prob.txt> ###output graph <http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4670394/regression2606.png> Thanks in advance. Amon akimeli at vub.ac.be -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/Fitting-a-negative-Gompertz-model-to-data-tp4670394.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.