jpm miao
2013-Jun-18 02:02 UTC
[R] “arch.test” in “vars” package with multivariate.only = FALSE
“arch.test” in “vars” package with multivariate.only = FALSE The function arch.test(x, lags.single = 16, lags.multi = 5, multivariate.only = FALSE) produces the univariate and multivariate parts of the ARCH test By_t = C+A_1 y_{t-1}+….. A_n y_{t-n}+\epsilon (homoskedastic VAR) And then u_t = B^{-1}\epsilon_t = y_t – (B^{-1}C+B^{-1}A_1 y_{t-1}-......+ B^{-1} A_n y_{t-n}) u_k(t) is the k-th element of u_t u_k(t)= c+ \theta_1 u_k(t-1) + \theta_2 u_k(t-2)+...... \theta_q u_k(t-q)+\nu_k(t) Do the univariate parts of the ARCH test refer to the significance test of the last regression, H_0: \theta_i = 0 for all i against H_1: H_0 is false, for all k? Thanks, Miao [[alternative HTML version deleted]]