Hi `Bangali`,
You can type in the R Console ?with()?
The details and some examples are there.
In addition to ?with(), you can use: ?within
dat1<-within(dat1,pattern<-ifelse(A>20 & B<=2.5 &
C<=20,"Normal",ifelse(A <20 & B >2.5 & C
>20,"Increased",ifelse(A >=20 & B >2.5 & C
dat1New<-mutate(dat1,pattern=ifelse(A>20 & B<=2.5 &
C<=20,"Normal",ifelse(A <20 & B >2.5 & C
>20,"Increased",ifelse(A >=20 & B >2.5 & C
#[1] TRUE
dat2<-transform(dat1,pattern=ifelse(A>20 & B<=2.5 &
C<=20,"Normal",ifelse(A <20 & B >2.5 & C
>20,"Increased",ifelse(A >=20 & B >2.5 & C
#[1] TRUE
Many thanks! The code works perfectly well. It seems that ifelse
+ with do the trick much better than if/else statement. Now ?I need to
understand the mechanichs of what you did. Can you provide a link on how
to use with
----- Original Message -----
From: arun <smartpink111 at yahoo.com>
To: R help <r-help at r-project.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Creating a new var from conditional values in other vars
Try this:
dat1$pattern<-with(dat1,ifelse(A>20 & B<=2.5 &
C<=20,"Normal",ifelse(A <20 & B >2.5 & C
>20,"Increased",ifelse(A >=20 & B >2.5 & C
#?? A? B? C pattern
#1 13 20? 5?? Other
#2 21 15? 4???? Low
#3? 5 24? 1?? Other
#4 27 13? 6???? Low
#5? 4? 4 10?? Other
#6 30 19 22?? Other
I am newbie to R coming from SAS (basic user). Quite a difficult move....
I have a dataframe named kappa exported from csv file
kappa<-read.csv("kappacsv", header=TRUE, sep=";",
kappa contains 3 numeric vars (A,B and C)
I want to create a new var called "pattern" depending on the values of
the conditions in A, B and C
I have tried many ways one has been this:
kappa$pattern1<-99 # create a new numeric var in kappa dataframe
if (A>=20 & B<=2.5 & C
else if (A <20 & B >2.5 & C
else if (A >=20 & B >2.5 & C
else {kappa$pattern<-?Other?}
The code does not work and I get errors all the time.
Any help will be greatly appreciated