Giuseppe Pagnoni
2013-Jun-07 08:51 UTC
[R] Function nlme::lme in Ubuntu (but not Win or OS X): "Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance"
Dear all, I am estimating a mixed-model in Ubuntu Raring (13.04¸ amd64), with the code: fm0 <- lme(rt ~ run + group * stim * cond, random=list( subj=pdSymm(~ 1 + run), subj=pdSymm(~ 0 + stim)), data=mydat1) When I check the approximate variance-covariance matrix, I get:> fm0$apVar[1] "Non-positive definite approximate variance-covariance" *However*, if I do the same on a Windows or a Mac OS X machine, I get:> fm0$apVarreStruct.subj1 reStruct.subj2 reStruct.subj3 reStruct.subj1 reStruct.subj1 1.952757e-01 3.130089e-01 5.766955e-01 -0.1034862377 reStruct.subj2 3.130089e-01 5.703211e-01 9.864047e-01 -0.1937902915 reStruct.subj3 5.766955e-01 9.864047e-01 1.861434e+00 -0.3303689957 reStruct.subj1 -1.034862e-01 -1.937903e-01 -3.303690e-01 0.0941652375 reStruct.subj2 -3.464557e-03 -5.933008e-03 -1.102904e-02 0.0163847582 reStruct.subj3 -6.826057e-01 -1.186231e+00 -2.122872e+00 0.3705613715 lSigma -2.058254e-06 -4.764783e-06 1.653583e-05 -0.0000146693 reStruct.subj2 reStruct.subj3 lSigma reStruct.subj1 -3.464557e-03 -6.826057e-01 -2.058254e-06 reStruct.subj2 -5.933008e-03 -1.186231e+00 -4.764783e-06 reStruct.subj3 -1.102904e-02 -2.122872e+00 1.653583e-05 reStruct.subj1 1.638476e-02 3.705614e-01 -1.466930e-05 reStruct.subj2 1.931738e-02 -2.020354e-02 -1.925015e-05 reStruct.subj3 -2.020354e-02 2.825301e+00 2.967063e-05 lSigma -1.925015e-05 2.967063e-05 6.299813e-05 attr(,"Pars") reStruct.subj1 reStruct.subj2 reStruct.subj3 reStruct.subj1 reStruct.subj2 4.570267 4.299735 1.282732 4.859346 3.206102 reStruct.subj3 lSigma -2.631377 5.308304 attr(,"natural") [1] TRUE I am unable to figure out the reason why I get such a difference in the output: all the machines are running the latest version of R (3.0.1) and nlme package (3.1-109) as of today (updated from the CRAN master site). Many thanks in advance for any suggestions, best giuseppe -- Giuseppe Pagnoni Dip. Scienze Biomediche, Metaboliche e Neuroscienze Sezione Fisiologia e Neuroscienze Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia Via Campi 287 I-41125 Modena, Italy Tel: +39-059-205-5742 Fax: +39-059-205-5363 [[alternative HTML version deleted]]