What do you get when you type in these commands?
lapply(mzbtaxa, class)
lapply(mzbsites, class)
Do you get the same error if you use the as.is=TRUE argument in the
read.csv() function?
mzbtaxa<-read.csv("MZBTaxa.csv", header=TRUE, dec=",",
sep=";", as.is=TRUE)
mzbsites<-read.csv("MZBSites.csv", header=TRUE, dec=",",
sep=";", as.is=TRUE
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Wobbe Gong <wobbegong85@gmail.com>
> Hi,
> I have a problem that appears to be quite common - warnings that
'x' must
> be numeric. How can I get rid of that problem?
> specifically, I am trying to run an mrpp with a species-site data set plus
> a second file containing factors. Both files are saved as .csv and comma
> separated. I have tried to remove the column titles in a number of ways to
> not cause the problem to begin with, but r wasn't really impressed.
> what I've done so far is:
> #reading my species-site data set
> mzbtaxa<-read.csv("MZBTaxa.csv", header=TRUE,
dec=",", sep=";")
> mzbtaxa
> names(mzbtaxa)
> #reading my factors file
> mzbsites<-read.csv("MZBSites.csv", header=TRUE,
dec=",", sep=";")
> mzbsites
> names(mzbsites)
> #loading package
> library(vegan)
> ##trying to run mrpp
> mzbtaxa.mrpp <- mrpp(mzbtaxa, mzbsites$Site, distance =
> ##which is where I get my warning 'x' must be numeric. Any ideas
how to
> deal with that?
> Many thanks in advance,
> Claudia Pogoreutz
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