You write a function of two arguments, 'par' and 'data' and do
not use
them in the body of the function. Furthermore, what are b0, b1x and y?
Also, take a look at ?.Machine. In particular, couldn't you use
precision0 <- .Machine$double.eps
precision1 <- 1 - .Machine$double.eps
instead of 0.000001 and 0.999999?
Hope this helps,
Rui Barradas
Em 27-05-2013 16:21, knouri escreveu:>
> Dear all:
> I am writing the following small function for a probit likelihood.
> As indicated, in order to avoid p=1 or p=0, I defined some precisions.
> I feel however, that there might be a better way to do this.
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> ##########################################################
> ##set limits to avoid px=0 or px=1
> precision1 <- 0.999999
> precision0 <- 0.000001
> logpost <- function(par, data){
> px <- pnorm(b0 + b1x)
> # to avoid px=1 or px=0
> px[px > precision1] <- precision1
> px[px < precision0] <- precision0
> loga <- sum( y*log(px)+(1-y)*log(1-px) )
> loga
> }
> #########################################################
> Best,
> ________________________________
> Keramat Nourijelyani, PhD
> Associate Professorof Biostatistics
> Tehran University of Medical Sciences
> http://tums.ac.ir/faculties/nourij
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