Hi maybe someone could help Program: NS=10 ONS=100 . some declarations ############################## f. START ############################################ . functions definitions ############################## f. STOP ############################################ for (osym in 1:ONS) { wnk_sym=array(0,c(49,10,NS)) for (sym in 1:NS) { #### . counting wnk (matrix 49x10) based on the random numbers wnk_sym[,,sym]=wnk } save(wnk_sym,file=paste(where,file,osym,'.RData',sep='')) rm(wnk_sym) } The problem is first simulations takes ca 20s each, but time is constantly increasing, up to 150s. Any idea why? RAM is not a problem (8GB) on win7 x64 Tomasz Jurkiewicz [[alternative HTML version deleted]]