Fabio Berzaghi
2013-May-13 19:49 UTC
[R] Select rasters in stack based on layer partial name match
I have a stack of rasters (one per species) and then I have a data frame with lat/long columns along with a species name. |fls= list.files(pattern="median") s<- stack(fls) df<-c("x","y","species name")| I want to be able to just select one raster at a time to use with an extract function. I want the selection to be based on the partial match based on the species name column. I want to do this because the raster names might not match perfectly the names in the species list, there might be a lower/upper case mismatch or the raster layer name might be longer, for example "species_name_median", or there might also be "_" instead of a blank. |for(i:length(df.species name)) { result<-extract(s[[partial match to"species name[i]" ]],df.xy) }| I hope this makes sense that I just want to use one raster at a time for the extraction. I am able to easily select a single raster using s[[i]] but there is no guarantee that every species in the list has its equivalent raster. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]