On May 12, 2013, at 10:30 AM, arun wrote:
> Hi,
> According to the error, the variables should have the same length.
> For example:
> set.seed(24)
> dat1<-
> lapply(dat1[,-1],function(x)
# prints cross tables.
> #or
> lapply(names(dat1)[-1],function(x)
> A.K.
>> Hi,
>> I have 20 variables in a data frame (VAR1 ... VAR20) which I would like
to crosstab against the variable RACE.
>> I would like to use a loop structure instead of 20 statements like:
>> CrossTable(VAR1, RACE, format = "SPSS", prop.chisq = FALSE,
digits = 2)
>> I have tried following syntax, but failed:
>> library(gmodels)
>> for(i in 1:20){
>> columnname <- ("VAR",i)
>> CrossTable(columnname, RACE, format = "SPSS", prop.chisq =
FALSE, digits = 2)
>> }
>> I receive following Error:
>> Error in CrossTable(columnname, RACE, format = "SPSS",
prop.chisq = FALSE, :
> > x and y must have the same length
It might be productive in learning R to understand what you were doing wrong and
how you could have used that control for-loop structure. It does appear that you
have `attach`-ed a data.frame and are referring to the column names. Yes? If so,
you should realize that is not a particularly safe practice, but let's push
columnname is just a character vector with a single element, "VAR1"
the first time around. R does not do a double-evaluation to first figure out
that `columnname` is "VAR1" and then proceed further to look up its
value. To do that you would need to add `get`:
for(i in 1:20){
columnname <- ("VAR",i)
CrossTable( get(columnname), RACE, format = "SPSS", prop.chisq =
FALSE, digits = 2)
The get function does the extra step of converting the character value to an
object name and returning the value of that named data-object.
>> Any idea how to get 20 crosstables within a loop?
That should do it. It would have been better if you had used dput() to produce a
workable small example of a few of the columns.
David Winsemius
Alameda, CA, USA