Thanks a lot Andrija... I run the following in Rsutdio: library("ndvits", lib.loc="/home/vahe/R/i686-pc-linux-gnu-library/2.15") ndvidirectory=paste(system.file("extdata/VITO_Mzimba", package="ndvits"), "/", sep="") region="Mzimba" Ystart=2004 Yend=2006 shape="SLP_Mzimba" shapedir=paste(system.file("extdata/shape", package="ndvits"), "/", sep="") outfile = "mzimbaTS2.txt" outfile2 = "MzimbaTS2.pdf" outfiel3 = "my.pdf" signal = TimeSeriesAnalysis(shape, shapedir, ndvidirectory, region, Ystart, Yend, outfile, outfile2) Village So the village is passed, but when I am running it in R script from the linux terminal it is repeating the line when I need to enter village continually can you suggest anything. Regards, Vahe [[alternative HTML version deleted]]