Hi all, I think I've run into an error caused by my computer's having too little computational power, but I'm not sure. I used the following code to perform continuous registration on two functional objects: lambda1 <- 10E-2 norder=8 samples<-seq(0,780,length=781) nbasis <- length(samples)+norder-2 mybasis<-create.bspline.basis(c(0,780),nbasis,norder) myfdPar<-fdPar(mybasis,4,lambda1) myfd.unemployment <- smooth.basis(samples,unemployment.rate,myfdPar)$fd myfd.unemployment.squared <- smooth.basis(samples,unemp.squared,myfdPar)$fd lambda2<-10E-2 myfdPar<-fdPar(mybasis,4,lambda2) myfd.inflation <- smooth.basis(samples,inflation.rate,myfdPar,)$fd myfd.inflation.squared <- smooth.basis(samples,inflation.squared,myfdPar)$fd plot(myfd.inflation) #register lambda=1 nbasis=myfd.unemployment$basis$nbasis ntrial=1 y0fd=mean(myfd.inflation) yfd=myfd.unemployment coef0<-matrix(0,nbasis,ntrial) wfd<-fd(coef0,mybasis) wfdPar=fdPar(coef0,2,lambda) reglist<-register.fd(y0fd,yfd,wfdPar,iterlim=10,dbglev=1) I get the following error after the last command: "Error in matrix(0, length(x), nbaspr) : too many elements specified" Is this error associated with my computer's not having sufficient power to perform the registration? I can't think of what else that might be going on... Thanks, Zoe Richards [[alternative HTML version deleted]]