Whoops - these 2 lines should have been omitted from the program:
n <- sprintf('%s (n%s=%g, n%s=%g)', v, nam[1],n[1], nam[2],n[2])
vn[var == v] <- n
Frank Harrell wrote> I would like to have a lattice conditioning ( | var ) variable have
> expression() as values because I want panel labels to be able to use
> plotmath notation for subscripts, etc. lattice barks at this. Does
> anyone know of a trick workaround? An attempted example program is below.
> Thanks -Frank
> require(lattice)
> set.seed(1)
> var <- c(rep('A', 100), rep('B', 100))
> trt <- sample(c('T1','T2'), 200, TRUE)
> x <- c(runif(100), 10*runif(100))
> y <- x + c(runif(100)/10, runif(100))
> N <- tapply(x, llist(var, trt), function(x) sum(!is.na(x)))
> print(N)
> vn <- vector('expression', length(var))
> for(v in unique(var)) {
> i <- var == v
> n <- tapply(!is.na(x[i]), trt[i], sum)
> nam <- names(n)
> w <- sprintf('paste(%s," (",
> v, nam[1], n[1], nam[2], n[2])
> cat(w, '\n')
> vn[var == v] <- parse(text=w)
> n <- sprintf('%s (n%s=%g, n%s=%g)', v, nam[1],n[1],
> vn[var == v] <- n
> }
> trt <- factor(trt)
> xyplot(as.integer(trt) ~ x | vn, panel=panel.bpplot, ylim=c(0,3),
> scale=list(y=list(at=1:2, labels=levels(trt)),
> x=list(relation='free', limits=list(c(0,1),c(0,13)))),
> ylab='Treatment', layout=c(1,2))
> Error in unique.default(x) :
> unimplemented type 'expression' in 'HashTableSetup'
Frank Harrell
Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University
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